Royalty AU Snips! (Revin Fluff & Angst)

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(SONG INSPO: Angeleyes- ABBA (IT'S JUST SUCH A BOP & FITS RITCHIE IN THIS AU SO PERFECTLY- so please for the love of- just listen to it and sway for a bit.)

"I missed you!"

The little truth gave Devin quite the scare at first, letting a shiver run up his back and a little hum escape him. "Honestly? " he questioned.

"Honestly." The prince made sure to add on, giving him a grin.

His adorable posture brought warmth to the others face before he gave a response of his own. "I missed you too.."

In a flash, Ritchie was up and had the smaller one already well situated in his arms. "Great! -then I guess you'll let me do this-" he pulled back a little, his hands sliding from Devins waist and up to his face.

Such actions were nerve-wrecking to the garden caretaker- making his glowing skin rush to a vibrant shade of pink. "W-wha-"

He tensed for a moment.. confused when his forehead was suddenly pressing against Ritchies, confused when he could feel the soft strands of the prince's own messy hair suddenly in his.

A huff of breath, and then the brunette blinked, his vision blurred and shaky as he first stared at the sand floors.. then eventually traveling up and towards Ritchies lips.

They were curled into a subtle smile.. one very entrancing.

"What exactly are you doing right now..?" Devin questioned in a hushed tone, glancing into the others eyes so quickly that he craved for a second peak.

'Did he always have such pretty eyes?..' he thought.

The prince took in a breath, rubbing at Devins flushed cheeks with his soft padded thumbs. "Nothing.." he hummed.

At that point- Devin really thought he was gonna melt, but he pulled himself back together when he decided to shut his eyes and take in a breath, his cheeks puffing up ever so slightly.

He remained quiet- so quiet that Ritchie had honestly suspected he'd fallen asleep or something, but that didn't stop him from showing just a tad bit more affection..



"Look at me." The gentle voice commanded.

Deciding he had had enough of staring at nothing but colored dots dance around a black space, Devin did open his eyes, only glancing up at the one he was asked too firstly.

As soon as he did though, he was yanked a little ways forward until he ran smack right into the tallers chest ..with an oof- his flushed skin could no longer feel the gentleness of the one he loved, but the top of his head- where his fluffy hair was- felt soft and repetitive pecks.

'I..I-is Ritchie really-'

Devins suspicions were right, Ritchie was in fact kissing him right now- his messy hair atleast.. but it was still his head! so technically it was him!?

Ritchie was showering him with a bunch of kisses..

He shut his eyes tight to push away any panic, and let himself grab ahold of the fabric that belonged to the prince's blue long cape... melting against his warmth.

'He really made this 10 times more difficult..? curse him and his stupid charm-'


BACKSTORY: The boys are falling in love everyone- it's happening-


(SONG INSPO: Someone To Stay- Vancouver Sleep Clinic (ngl- this hurt, but the song went along with everything, so listen to it- because its some serious nostalgia.)

"I wish this hug could last forever.."

Ritchie cleared his throat, begging himself to contain the remainder of sadness that always seemed to stick around since the whole fiasco.

It started out just as a little worry for the two.. but over time- when everything started to fall apart- it became a nightmare. The fear of being ripped apart from the other had consumed them in every way.

"Me too.." he mumbled, staring at nothing til a sound caught his attention.

Devin had hiccuped, he was crying. "Y-You make me so happy Ritchie- I-"

"I don't want to let you go.." he whined, pulling himself away despite his heart and body wanting the exact opposite.

The prince's heart broke as he looked down, spotting and watching the hot tears fall from his lovers eyes until he couldn't anymore. "I know." he said to him, racing to hold him again, nuzzling himself into the smaller ones soft and tear-stained cheek. "Please don't cry.."

He inhaled, shakily, and traced small circles along the crying ones back. "I like you so much Devin."

The brunette whined again, shaking his head, begging for Ritchie not to say it.. but the prince's hold around him only grew stronger- and he just had to tell him what his heart wanted him too.

"I love you- I love you so much-" he repeated, clinging to him- burying his face into the crook of his neck- convincing himself over and over again that he'd disappear if he ever let go.

Ritchie was shaking, mentally cursing to himself so he'd just shut up. "A-and I swear to you- if by some miracle this nightmare is put to a stop- I'll come running to you."

"I'll leave as soon as possible-" he promised. "to you."

Devin pulled back, and Ritchie gasped a little at that, but he had nothing to worry more about because the brunette only moved so he could sit the both of them up.

Cupping his face, Devin quickly brushed away any tears with his thumbs, one at a time until there were eventually no more.

"I love you too, Ritchie." He said to the other.

Scooting closer til he could practically steal his breath, He hummed, placing kisses around the sad prince's face until it brought a gentle laughter out of him.

When he laughed- Devin could feel his broken heart begin to heal, and heal even more when he was pulled into another one of his hugs.. one much more comforting.

"I'm sorry Devin." Ritchie would first say. "I'm going to fight like hell to get out of this."

Devin smiled at the statement of truth, nuzzling against him for a more comfortable spot. "I know.."

He didn't plan to let go, ever.. not of him and not of what they had.


BACKSTORY: Something has forced its way in between the two and their love.. something neither of them could of avoided..


(I hope everyone liked this stuff, it emotionally drained and filled me..🧡)

(I made art for this also, so go check that out when you want-)

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