Time Mess Up pt. 1

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(Part 1 of the 'Time Mess Up' AU with Divinus Magias POV

Jakey screws up the timeline for a moment which brings certain people/guilds to either the past or a completely different world.

Also a certain individual is still here and is okay. (Not Canon btw) )

"Inmo will you sit still for litterily a second? Please-"

Lucas gasped at the feeling of emptiness beneath his feet and dissapeared, a portal opened beneath him, swallowing him whole.

The very energetic Inmo who was walking beside him just seconds ago stood dumbfounded, a birds song filling in the silence.

Inmo blinked, slowly processing what just happened before he muttered something.

"..I have to tell Mr. Brandon."


"MR. BRANDON!! LUCAS WAS TAKEN!" Inmo yelled, bursting into the dining hall.

Mario spat out his drink at the sudden scare and practically fought for his life as he coughed.

Kit, who had jumped up from her spot quickly came to his aid, Blake's head peeking from around a pillar with Ech beside her.

"What?!" She yelled. "What about lucas?!"

Her and Brandon came hurrying over, a rather small red mage beside them.

"What happened to Lucas." Brandon asked, David cutting in as he came over.

"Yeah, what's got you riled up this time!"

Inmo breathed, recollecting his thoughts.

"We were walking to the docs to get the barrels full of supplies like you asked us too and a blue portal opened up!" He rambled. "It ate him."

"Oh great-" David huffed.

"He's probably in a whole different timeline right now." Kit sighed.

Despair painted each members faces as they stood around, remembering the last time any of them went through a portal.

Blake who was now pacing around the room biting her fingernails, stopped under the archway, looking back at the others.

"We have to go look for him." She stated, already hurrying off.

"Hey Kid!? Wait up!" David called out, running after her.

"Inmo, you go with them." Brandon mumbled, the others backing him up as he straightened his cloak.

Inmo nodded, running off to catch up with the other two.

Leaving the Guildleader with the remainder of the guild, the alone twin  took a step foward, his voice calling out.

"Mario come with me, we're going to look in the city while Devin, Kit and Ech check with Allumos."

Mario shuddered, following behind him as he muttered a nervous thought.

"We're flying there arnt we.."

Devin grabbed ahold his glove and put it on, signaling for Kit and Ech to get ready.


"Theres not even a trace of magic here" Blake whispered, staring at the very spot Lucas had fallen through.

"Theres not much but it's familiar" Inmo mumbled from beside her.

David, who was studying the faint aura around the spot got down on his knee.

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