'What To Do With You..' (Revin College AU)

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(I've officially lost my mind, anyways song inspo for this was 'stupid for you' by waterparks- side rant I freaking love that song ISTG OMG)

(Also idk how good I've edited this it's like 4am rn and my eyes are on the brink of closing.. so forgive me for any screw ups)


The blue haired troublemaker came stumbling out of the bar being supported by some brunette, his boyfriend actually- and he looked rather annoyed to be helping the taller man out like this.

The street lights and lamp poles were bright enough to where it was safe to walk around at night here, so Devin chose to walk rather than drive.

"Heyyy devvvv" Ritchie's voice was bubbly and silly, his speech slurred and his face flustered. "Why're we leaving?-" he hiccuped.

A breeze blew by, Devin shivered but rolled his eyes. "cause' you're drunk, I'm taking you back to your dorm." was what he told his blabbering boyfriend.

The occasional stumble from Ritchie would make Devin lose his footing as they were making their way back to the dorms, but it wasn't much of a problem until they were walking across some field of grass.

That's where Ritchie had stumbled again, so he fell.. and while he was falling he of course dragged his boyfriend down with him. "Ritchie!-"

They both hit the grass, staining their clothes in green since it had been raining earlier.. Devin sat up with a huff and he glared at Ritchie who was just laying there looking up towards the night sky.

"You said you would take it easy tonight, Ritchie."

his words did little to grab the attention of the hiccuping man. "Richard-"

"Hey dev-" Ritchie cut him off, not intentionally but because his timing was complete crap at the moment. "This is gonna sound reallyyy silly.. but I wanna live with you."

He had said that in such a tired and non slurred voice that Devin was actually caught off guard by it, the words didn't even register either until he blinked again.


"I want to wake up by your side, nd' not have to wait to see you.." Ritchie was mumbling now.

Devin just turned flustered, and he felt himself get all worked up at the thought of such a big step in their relationship. "You- you're drunk.."

"Come on, you need to get some sleep." His voice was soft when he stood up and helped Ritchie get to his feet again, being his support, they started their walk back to their destination with Ritchie being pretty quiet now..


"Brother- brother-" Ritchie was a mess when they got to the dorm he and his twin brother shared, Brandon had only just opened the door and Ritchie was already blabbering. "I have a boyfriend!"

"Oh my stars-" Brandon would say in the most straight forward tone, stepping aside he helped Devin get Ritchie inside and kicked the door closed with his foot-

"Isn't he cute? don't tell mom n dad-" Ritchie hiccuped, being ignored by both his brother and his boyfriend.

"He said he wasn't going to get too drunk and here we are-" Devin was grumbling, sighing when they had finally gotten Ritchie in to his room and on his bed.

The drunk was going on and on about Devin now, which nobody was focusing on at the moment since Devin himself had turned to face Brandon and have a conversation with him.

"I can stay and help with him if you want Brandon?" He offered, as it was the polite thing to do.

Now Brandon ultimately declined though, before being cut off from even speaking by his twin brother.

"Yes." Ritchie would say nodding his head, he definitely wanted Devin to stay with him. "I agree-" he hiccuped, his head falling back down against his pillow with a soft thump.

Brandon just stared at his brother like he was done with his drunken behavior after that.


That next morning Ritchie woke up with a groan, his shirt was off and his hair was messy.. he had absolutely no memory of last night and the only thing he knew at the moment was that his body ached.

He threw his blanket off of himself and got out of bed stumbling determined to get to his bathroom.

In all honesty though.. when he got in there he was genuinely wide eyed and startled at the sight of his own reflection's appearance.

"What the hell happened?!" he questioned himself, utterly confused.

"You got wasted last night."

Ritchie jumped at the sound of his brother's voice, and when he turned his head to the doorway of the bathroom- Brandon would be right there leaning against it with a cup of coffee in his hand.

He would take a sip.

"I did?" Ritchie spoke soft and unsure, because he definitely didn't remember that.. he remembered he had a few drinks here and there sure but-

"Yeah, I mean I wasn't there at that point to see it for myself since I had to leave early and come back to study, but word gets around brother.."

Now Ritchie was incredibly confused, because usually the one to take care of him when he was in such a state was his own brother.. maybe Devin a couple of times but it was mostly Brandon. "Wait so how did I get back here?" he asked.

"Devin." Brandon took another sip of his drink, and walked away. "You seriously don't remember how you were sickeningly lovey dovey with him?"

Ritchie was immediately getting all red faced and choking on his words, but now that he tried to really think back on the night.. he did recall some bits and pieces of his interactions with Devin that night.

He knew for sure that Devin was there at the bar, and they did talk to each other.. but everything after that was a blur, besides the image of a night sky and his flustered boyfriend- that's all he could remember for sure.

Gods he hoped he didn't say anything stupid.

- TBC?

(I miss writing Revin, I need to write them more so I can get a Kay and Viper oneshot done...)

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