Chapter 10

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trinbugggg (i love that)


Egypt POV

"This nigga." I mumbled.

"I mean he seems nice." Yana made the yikes face.

"Bitch he aggravating and boring, Ima go out wit him though just to see." I shrugged.

"Maybe you should fuck him." She tapped her chin.

Okay yes I told Yana, that shit is just so crazy to me. Like I barely know this nigga and I just can't stop thinking about him.

I feel dirty honestly.

"I don't think that would be smart." I shook my head.

"Why not? Give me a good reason, and if not I'm sending you over in your trench coat and undies." She clapped her hands.

"Bit- because, imagine me fucking him..." I trailed off.

"I don't see the bad in that, y'all got some serious sexual tension!" She yelled.

"Okay now Yana." I eyed her.

"I swear like everytime y'all look at each other, I just imagine Pony playing." She got up and dry humped the hair.

"Okay, Ima go over there." I stood up grabbing my keys.

"If I come back not walking straight keep Des in the room." I looked at her before walking out.

I wanted to fuck him this whole time, I just needed somebody to tell me to.

I walked out the front door unlocking my car doors. I got in and started it pulling out the driveway.

"Do do do." I sung tapping the steering wheel.

Now what if it's bad.

"No because that nigga has to be slanging." I shook my head.

If not the dick angels have fooled me once again.

"Dear god-" I cut myself off.

"That isn't smart I shouldn't pray to god about a dick appointment." I mumbled.

This ain't even a dick appointment, you're not on the schedule.

I turned the corner and parked on the street. I looked at the house really contemplating on if I should do this. I don't have a thing to loose, might as well give it a shot.

"Lemme get out for he think I'm tryna set him up." I got out the car before walking up the driveway.

I rang the doorbell twice and stood there looking down at my feet. The door swung open and I looked up.

"Hey." She waved.

"Oh my fucki- heyy umm?" I waited for her name.

I don't even know her name and I was finna fuck her boyfriend.

"Karlie, Egypt right?" She smiled.

"Yea, heyyy. Is Key here?" I asked.

"No you just missed him too, you wanna come in?" She opened the door.

"Oh no, my cousin sent me over here to give him something. I'll just catch him later." I started backing away.

"Oh hey, you and Key aren't??" She trailed off.

"Oh no, yea no not like that." I shook my head laughing nervously.

"I was just asking, I think what he did was a mistake. You two aren't like sleeping together?" She asked.

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