Chapter 36

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I scrolled on my phone looking at plane tickets. Nigga need a vacation, tired of the same old stupid shit. Dee texted me back and I looked down at Egypt.

I kissed her forehead and dipped outta the bed. My phone rang and I went down the steps going towards my office. I don't really do no work in there, I just hold all my papers in one spot.

"NIGGA THAT AINT YO KID?!" He yelled when the call connected.

"Maybe I'm tripping, but on this paper right here it say that it's a girl. When that shit went down last week, she said she carrying my son." I looked at my paternity test.

"That shit look nothing like all of mine, how you mot realize?" He gasped.

"Nigga Ian never did no paternity test before how the fuck you expect me to realize?" I smacked my lips.

"You talked to Egypt?" He asked.

"Nah she been sleeping a whole bunch and shit." I shook my head.

"Nigga why don't you check in yo girl, then go handle Karlie." He said.

"Smartest shit you've said all year, doing that shit the other way around." I hung up.

I went out my office closing the door and locking it. I jogged up the steps and opened my bedroom door.

"E Ima be right back." I shook her lightly.

"Hm?" She hummed.

"Ima be back before you wake up, aight?" I kissed her forehead.

"Bye boop." She mumbled wrapping her arms around me.

I pecked her lips a few times pulling away. She tightened her grip on me making me sigh.

"You can't stay?" Her voice cracked.

"Ima be gone a hour tops, come on E." I sighed.

"But I sleep better with you." She sniffed.

I hate waking her up first thing in the morning. She always wants me to stay here with her ass. I do end up staying most of the time, cause if she cry Ima feel bad.

Such a big ass baby.

I lifted her up and put her on my lap. I kissed her cheek rubbing her back.

"I'll be back ma." I mumbled.

She hummed lazily and I sat her back down on the bed. She drifted back off to sleep and I stood up taking my shirt off.

"Bye baby, mwah." She said making me chuckle.

I slipped on a different shirt and grabbed my keys. I put on some shoes and turned the light off jogging down my steps.

Let's get this shit over with.

I walked to my car and started it up. I went and got my Durango fixed it's in the shop right now, so we only in the Charger right now.

I sped up down the road and stopped at the red light. I could easily say I love Egypt, but everyone I love leave. She all I got left, Ion wanna mess up a good thing.

I drove for a bit before turning into her apartment complex. I got out and locked my door jogging up to the door. I knocked and turned around checking my surroundings.

"Key hey, I missed you." She smiled opening the door.

"Watch out." I pushed her back and closed her door.

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