Chapter 58

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missed me?


Egypt POV

"Facetime call from Taebae white heart." Blared out from my phone.

"Tae it's 2am." I slid the button over not even looking up.

"It's the time difference, needed to hear yo voice babygirl." His voice came through.

I smiled a bit shifting my body towards the phone.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm straight, ready to come home." He sighed.

It's been longer than 2 weeks, he says the longer he stays the less he has to go away in the future. I begged him to let me fly down, Amesthyst and Yana flew down a few days ago.

He said he doesn't wanna make me fly across the country, which I would do in a heartbeat for him.

"I could always come to you." I mumbled. 

The line went silent before I heard my phone ding. I looked up and it was a bank notification.

"That should cover a plane ticket down here." He told me making me light up.

"Tae you being serious?" I rose up.

"Yea, get one as soon as possible. You prolly need a change of scenery."

"Oh thank you, I love you." I cooed. 

"I love you more." He chuckled.

The line went silent again making me lay back down. I heard him yawn and I snuggled into my sheets.

"Got us falling asleep on the phone like we ain't grown." I shook my head at him.

"It's giving highschool." I laughed.

"Ready to see you." He yawned again.

"Just the two of us." I closed my eyes.

"Ima book a bigger room." He said.

"Okay, I'm so excitedddd." I dragged.

"I love ya." I heard him mumble.

"I love you too." I drifted off to sleep.


I heard banging on the door and I scrunched my face up. I walked from upstairs where I was packing my bag. I reached the front door and was meg with guns and a police badge.

I dropped my phone and put my hands up. I swallowed a lump in my throat looking at the policeman standing in front of me.

"Looking for a Keyontae Wright." They flashed a arrest warrant in my face.

"H-he's not here." I shook my head.

"We need to take a look around ma'am." One spoke up.

"Do you have a search warrant?" I asked.

They handed me papers and I read over them. I stepped to the side picking my phone back up. The rushed in the house with dogs.

"I need to know where the key is to this door." They pointed at his office.

"I don't know, I don't live here." I shrugged.

"We'll have to bring the door down." They said.

"You can't do that unless you have a reason to go in there for evidence purposes." I shook my head.

I was raised around street niggas, please.

"Excuse me, I got a right to make a call." I stepped up the stairs.

I reached down out my pants and grabbed my phone. I dialed Tae's number waiting for it to ring. He didn't pick up making me call back again.

"I'm in the shower Egypt, wassup?" I heard his voice.

"Keyontae I'm leaving now." I closed the bedroom door.

"Why? Wassup?"

"Tae they had a search and arrest warrant." I zipped up my suitcase.

"Aye they at the crib?" He snapped.

"Yes Tae, like flipping this bitch upside down." I rolled it out the door.

"Get on the first plane outta there, and Egypt."

"Yes?" I could tell he got serious.

"You love me right?" He asked.

"Of course." I nodded.

Hell no Ian taking no charge nigga.

"Be safe, I'll see you on da flip." He mumbled.

The line went dead and I walked down stairs leaving my bags.

"When was the last time you have been in contact with Mr. Wright?" They asked.

"Are you taking me in for questioning?" I asked.

"No ma'am."

"I have no obligation to answer to you." I shrugged.

"We'll be out of your hair."

One waved at me on the way out the door. I mugged him before the door closed and I took a deep breath. I rushed back up the stairs grabbing my suitcase and my purse. I slipped on some Yeezys and made my way towards the door.

I stepped out looking around at my surroundings. I let my trunk open and threw my things on there. I went back locking all the doors setting the alarm.

I hopped up in my car and turned it on. I threw my purse to the passenger seat pulling out the driveway.


The only thing I heard was my fingers tapping the steering wheel. I bit down on my bottom lip out of habit.

This shit is stressful as fuck, we just can't catch a break. Between the miscarriages, this warrant stuff, everything. I feel like we could be so happy together, but it's like it always something.

I wish he didn't live this life, I don't shame him for it. But he says he's gonna get out, and I know it's not easy but I don't see an end.

I hope he got one of his ways, he's so smart he be pulling shit outta thin air. I wish he would take his intelligence and do something more. Something stable, something filling for him.

Hell illegal for that matter.

My phone went off and I checked our group chat.

bad girls club: reunion edition 🏚

Egypt you coming bitch😛

yana boo💕
bad bitches link up!

yessss, otw rn

I went to me and Tae's messages reading his text.


Lmk before you board, I'll have a car waiting for you

thank you my love

Be safe, I love you

i love you moreee

I closed out my phone and continued driving to my terminal. I knew I was gonna have to pay to keep my car here, but I didn't feel comfortable waiting for an uber.

"Ugh I'm sleepyyy." I yawned finding a valet booth.

At least I get a little vaca.



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