Chapter 29

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Egypt POV

"MY KEY KEY." I yelled walking into the house.

"Yo." I heard his voice.

I walked into the kitchen and set the food bags down. I walked into the living room and ran towards him.

"Wassup baby." He licked his lips looking me up and down.

"Hi boopy bear." I walked over in between his legs.

I reached down and pecked his lips repeatedly and broke out into the smile. I been smiling so much I'm surprised my cheeks ain't broken.

"You brought food?" He stood up from the couch.

"Yes I did." I nodded.

He went into the kitchen and I followed him opening up the fridge.

I wonder how many bodies he got.

"Key." I set out two bottles of water.

"Wassup?" He opened his box up.

"How many bodies you got?" I asked.

He choked on his chicken hitting his chest.

"E we having a good day, let's keep it like this." He mumbled.

"Tell meeee." I dragged.

"Egypt, you my girl that's all that matter." He shrugged.

"No, I wanna know. You fucking me, I think I deserve to know." I popped my hip out.

"You wanna know so damn bad, I got 5." He shrugged yet again.

"I-" I cut myself off.

"See you ask too many fucking questions." He mushed my head walking away.

I followed him picking up my box and my drink.

"KEONTAE 5!?" I yelled.

"Egypt." He sighed sitting on the couch.

"Is this including me orrr?" I trailed off.

He shook his head digging in his food.

"So I'm your sixth?" I eyed him.

"Planning on being my last, quit trippin out bra." He waved me off.

"Where did you find 5 girls?" I held up 5 fingers.

"Ian slow, put ya damn hand down I can count." He smacked his lips.

"Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco." I took a pause between each one.

"I barely fucking graduated, don't start speaking enchantment table." He looked at me.

"What the fuck Key? I don't understand 5?" I sat down on the couch next to him.

He done gave out dick this good to 5 bitches? I'm sick.

"I got a high sex drive, I like fucking. You know dis." He shrugged opening his water.

"Why is sex so important to you? I don't understand, help me understand." I crossed my legs.

"Aight, how you show you fuck wit me? You appreciate me?" He turned towards me.

"Like feeding you, hugging you, being all up on you, taking care of you." I ranted.

"Aight, check me out. Ian into all that lovey dovey shit. Yea you my girl, obviously I fuck wit you. But Ian never been good at it. So I fuck you good, and spend money on you, that's how I do allat." He shrugged.

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