Chapter 20

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y'all are the bestttt



"Keontae you hungry?" Egypt stood in front of me.

"Nah." I lit my second blunt.

She nodded and went to turn away before I grabbed her.

"Key Ian even tryna argue I was just making sure you ate." She sighed.

I been giving her a hard time, I got bad temper and she ain't never seen me mad. I was mad, coulda taken anyone but my grandma. I shouldn't take it out on her but my patience was thin.

I pulled her down on my lap and she turned her head towards me. I grabbed her neck and kissed her deeply. I tickled her stomach and she giggled pulling away.

"Stopppp." She dragged.

I rested my head on her shoulder and she rubbed my ear. As much as I wanted to push her away I couldn't, she was my only sense of comfort.

"Boop lemme go so I can go put some clothes on." She tapped me.

I let her go and she pecked my lips one last time. She stood up and walked up my stairs disappearing.

I inhaled on my blunt resting my head on the couch. The door opened and Des and Yana walked in.

"Wassup bra." He dapped me up as I nodded.

"Hey Key." Yana waved at me.

"Wassup, E should be down here soon." And on cue I saw her feet come down the stairs.

"Oh hey y'all." She gave Yana a hug.

She came and sat next to me curling her legs up.

"You need anything?" She asked as I latched my hand onto her leg.

"I'm straight." I blew smoke past her face.

She nodded and turned her attention back towards them.

"So the funeral home is currently prepping her for the viewing, and the total cost for that is 7,000." She handed me a paper.

"We can go half onnit, G like my blood too." Des said making me nod.

"Yana me and you can do the repass cost, flowers, and the rest of us can spilt the service itself." E tucked her hair behind her ear as I looked at her.

"Yea that's what I was thinking." Yana nodded.

"You know youn got to." I mumbled.

"I want to." She rubbed the back of my neck making me relax a bit.

"The days could either be next Sunday or the following Wednesday." Yana looked at us.

"What you want Key?" She looked at me.

"Wednesday, being in a church on Sunday don't feel right." I mumbled.

"Okay the Wednesday is fine, what time?" She looked at Yana.

"11." Yana said nanking us nod.

"Keontae you got a suit?" She asked.

"It prolly need to go to the cleaners." I shrugged.

"Okay I'll go drop it off so you'll have it." She nodded.

"How you been man?" Des looked at me.

"I'm chilling." I shrugged.

I handed him the blunt and he took a pull.

"Ima make dinner, what you want?" She brushed her thumb across my cheek.

"It don't matter." I shrugged.

"Okay." She kissed my cheek standing up.


Egypt POV

"So how's he been?" Yana asked me.

"Um he's chilling I guess. He's so closed off I don't know if he doesn't wanna feel it, he's in denial, i don't know." I shrugged grabbing some chicken out the fridge.

"Yea I feel you." She nodded.

"And he gets so mad about little stuff, I was cleaning up earlier and I misplaced a picture of them. It really was an accident, and I should've been more careful. He's a bad person to piss off." I rambled.

"I'm surprised he even agreed to go to the funeral." She said making me agree.

"I had to convince him a little." I cut on the stove.

"Y'all look goodt together, it's giving the girls what needed to be gave." She swiped her hand under her chin.

I laughed and shook my head seasoning it up.

"You want some wine?" I went into the fridge.

"Bitch do I." She eyed me.

I grabbed a bottle out popping the cork. I grabbed two glasses filling them both up.

"Need sum stronger." I handed one to her.

"My biggest pet peeve is muthafuckas who drink liquor everyday." She shook her head.

"I swear foe god, so you're telling me you NEED the patron?" I put emphasis on need.

"Exactly, it's just giving I don't give a fuck about my organs." She laughed.



I sat the double cup down sighing. I stared at the ceiling feeling the percs take over. The lights cut on and I looked seeing her standing there.

"Key come on to bed boop." She looked at me with soft eyes.

I stood up and walked towards the stairs. She turned the light off grabbing my hand as we went up the stairs. She opened the door and went to go lay back down.

I went to my closet and slipped on some basketball shorts. I took off my tee shirt and it left me in a wife beater.

I laid down resting the back of my head on the pillow. I licked over my lips slowly before feeling her wrap her arms around me.

"I know you feel alone, and you're angry. But I'm here, and I'll always be here. So whatever you need be sure to ask, and you don't ever have to hesitate." She rubbed my chest.

"Big or small, if you just wanna sit or if you wanna cry. I'm here Key, not matter what it is." She told me.

"I appreciate you Egypt." I mumbled.

She nodded and rested back on my chest. I rubbed her back staring at the ceiling. I felt a single tear slip from my eye.

"We're gonna be okay Boop." She wiped it.


super tired , and i have the gym in the morning. this is short but trinbugg will see you all soon

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