Chapter 40

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Egypt POV

"You want the ends curled right?" I asked my client.

"Yea please." She nodded.

"Okay Ima go cut on the water." I walked away.

My apple watch went off and I slid over answering his call.

"Hello?" I filled it up with water.

"You at your house?" His voice came through.

"Yes finishing up a client." I turned on the stove.

"Alright I'm pulling up." He hung up.

"Negro and if I wasn't home?" I mumbled.

I waited for the water to heat up before taking it and pouring it in the pitcher. I carried it into the den and dipped her ends.

"Hey." I looked up at Key.

"Wassup." He nodded.

He had a bag in his hand and I recognized it as chinese food. He set it on the coffee table sitting down.

"Okay you're all finished." I tapped her shoulder.

She handed me the money and I stuffed it in my pocket. I walked her to the door and we exchanged goodbyes.

"You want a beer?" I walked into the kitchen.

"Yea." He nodded.

I grabbed one out the fridge and grabbed myself a bottle of water. I walked into the living room and handed his to him.

"You need some money?" He dug in his pockets.

I laughed a bit and went through the bag pulling out the vegetable rolls.

"No, that's how we're gonna make this right?" I chuckled.

"How you want me to?" He asked.

"Not by setting stacks on my dresser and thinking shit sweet." I shrugged.

"E that's how I show I fuck wit you." He said.

I rolled my eyes and set the food down loosing my appetite. I hadn't been eating as much lately, stuff just wasn't as appetizing to me.

"Youn want yo food?" He asked.

"I haven't been that hungry." I shook my head.

He eyed me suspiciously opening up his beer.

"Are we broken up?" I asked.

"Do you wanna be broken up?" He arched his eyebrow.

"No I don't, I really don't." I shook my head.

"Aight then." He shrugged.

"Key what the fuck?" I rested my head in my hands.

"What man damn? Fuck you want to say? Get down on one knee and boho in front of yo fucking face?" He snapped.

"No I want you to try." I sighed. 

"I'm fucking trying, I coulda gave up on this shit." He raised his voice.

"Please stop yelling, I'm so tired of yelling because it's not getting us anywhere." My voice cracked.

"Alright whatever." He shrugged.

"What's wrong with you? I don't understand, why are you being such a asshole?" I wiped my face.


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