Chapter 22

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trinbugg here



"E you'll help me?" I looked in the mirror.

She walked over and stood in front of me. She had on a black dress that hugged her hips. It covered her chest and her sleeves stopped on her upper arm. The bottom had a small slit with some ruffles.

"There boop." She fixed my tie.

"Preciate it." I pecked her lips.

She nodded and walked over to the bed putting on her heels. I ran my hand down my face looking over my appearance.

Let's get this shit over wit.

"You ready?" I looked back at her.

"Yea I am." She stood up.

I walked out the room and she followed me. I
jogged down the stairs and grabbed my car keys out my pocket.

"Okay um, you ate?" She looked around.

"Yea I did." I nodded.

"Okay." She nodded and went to the door.

I stopped her and stared down at her. She looked up at me meeting my eyes.

"Hm?" She tilted her head.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me. I reached down and kissed her moving my hand down. I felt her hand on my chest making me smirk.

"You alright?" She pulled away.

"Better now." I kissed her forehead.

We stood like that for a while, her little frame pressed up against mine.

"Come on Key." She tapped me.

I opened the door and let her walk out before me. I opened her car door and she got in pulling her dress down. I jogged over to my side and got in cutting the car on.

"Hey daddy." She said.

I turned towards her and saw she was on the phone. I chuckled lightly making her hit my shoulder.

"I'm with a friend right now." She played with her nails.

"Yo!" I called out.

"Key." She covered the phone.

"Who the fuck!?" I heard a mans voice.

"Lemme see it man." I held my hand out.

"It's my dad Key." She whispered.

"I know fuck I look like not speaking to your old man? Lemme see the phone." I stopped at a red light.

She gave it to me hesitantly and I put it on speaker.

"Wassup." I tapped the steering wheel.

"Nigga you fucking my daughter?" He sighed.

"I'm Key, nice to meet you." I chuckled.

"Waddup man, call me Wood." He said making me nod.

"Hollywood shut up, talm bout sum Wood." She got in the mic.

"Ohhh that's where y'all got that shit from?" I started back driving.

"Fye annit?" He laughed.

"Gimme my phone." She reached over.

"Watch out E, sit yo ass down." I pushed her back.

"Lemme guess, she sat her ass down." He said making me chuckled.

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