Chapter 19

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Egypt POV

"Key what are-" I cut myself off sitting up.

He was putting in his clothes stuffing his gun in his pocket. I sprang up and looked at him strangely.

I'll be dammed if he fuck and duck.

"Key what's wrong?" I grabbed his hand before he snatched back.

He went into the bathroom and I followed him as he tied his sweatpants.

"Key where are you going?" I looked at him.

"Watch out Egypt." He moved me out the way.

"KEONTAE!" I grabbed his hands. 

"Man lemme go." He huffed.

"Key what's wrong?" I looked at the single tear falling from his face.

He looked past me and I sighed looking at the clock.

"Lemme put some clothes on." I let him go.

I walked to my closet and pulled down some sweatpants before slipping them in. I threw on a tee shirt before running into the bathroom. I pulled my hair back and splashed some water on my face.

"Key tell me what's wrong please." I looked at him in same spot as before.

"Keontae." I grabbed his face.

"It's my grandma man." He mumbled.

"Okay where we going?" I grabbed his keys from his hand.

"We going to UNC." He said making me nod.

"Okay come on." I held onto his hand.

I walked out my room going down the steps. I opened the front door and let him walk out before locking it.

I didn't even know he had people down here. Let alone a grandma, I wouldn't be keeping him with me all the time if I did.

I cranked up his truck and backed out the driveway. He reached over and squeezed my thigh and I interlocked our fingers.

I turned on the windshield wipers as rain started pouring from the sky. I looked down and realized I left my phone and all.

I rubbed my eyes and got off of the highway turning into the hospital. I looked over at him and he was staring out the window.

"Would you like me to go with you?" I asked.

He nodded and I sighed turning my lips up.

"Could you tell me what's wrong?" I asked yet again.

"They said she don't got long." He mumbled.

"Oh my." I cut the car off.

I got out and went to his side opening the door. I wrapped my arms around him and he rested his head on top of mine.

"I'm sorry Key." I mumbled.

"I'll be good." He brushed my hair back.

"We'll be good, okay?" I kissed his cheek.

"Come on shordy." He tapped me.

I stood back and got out slamming his door back. He grabbed my hand and I walked behind him.

He walked to the front desk and I stood behind him resting on his back. Touch is definitely our language, the biggest comfort we give each other is touch.

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