Chapter 48

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y'all mad?😔


Egypt POV

"Hello." I answered my phone.

"You ate yet?" Key asked me.

"No." I shook my head as if he could see me.

"I'll be home soon, I love you." He told me.

"I love you too." I hung up.

I set the phone down turning my show back on. I had been staying at Keys house more than normal, and I wasn't even taking clients.

I hadn't told anybody about what happened. It was our baby, I just didn't feel the need to.

Me and him were barely talking and when we were it was short. He hadn't been home much, so I was just alone in this empty house.

"Egypt." I heard cutting me out of my thoughts.

I looked up and met eyes with a high Keys. He had started back drinking again, and I didn't even have the energy to help him sober up.

"Hey." I said dryly.

"What's wrong witchu?" He set some food down.

I shrugged and picked it up going to open up the box. He bent down and pecked my lips a few times making me smile a bit.

"Where you been?" I asked.

"Youn never question me about what I be doing, don't start." He looked down at me.

"Mhm." I hummed.

He walked out the living room going up the stairs. I looked at his phone on the table before picking it up.

If I hurt my own feelings.

I unlocked it and went to his calls. I scrolled through before clicking on the unknown number.

"Fuck is you doing?" I heard.

He reached for it making me push him back.

"Who is this?" I flipped the phone around.

"You doing too much." He sighed.

"Well who is it?" I asked.

"If I tell you I'm handling business that's what I'm doing, been told you all that lying shit out the window." He sat down on the couch.

"How much business you got to handle?" I tilted my head to the side.

"However much to make sure we straight, I got shit to take care of and you ain't cheap either." He shrugged.

That feeling that you're getting lied to, that gut feeling some shit is going on. Every female has it, and it's been sitting on me.

"Are you cheating on me?" I asked.

"What?" He turned his face up.

"You heard me, are you cheating on me? You doing all the same old shit, drinking, staying out late. You're back to old Key, so Ima ask you again are cheating on me?"

Watching the person you love, fall straight back into the person you are when you first met isn't easy. We've been moving forwards and we just took a huge step back.

"Why would I cheat on you? We pushing half a year in this shit. I'm 24, I don't got time to cheat on you. Whatever our past has in it, I changed all that shit for you, I'm a whole new man." He expressed.

"How am I supposed to know that when you doing the SAME SHIT?" I yelled the last part.

"What I say about that yelling shit? We gon have to learn how to communicate without yelling, don't nobody wanna argue every night they come home. I don't raise my voice wit you." He said in a real calm tone.

Who does this nigga think he is? Negro spiritual?

"So what you be doing at all times of day and night?" I sighed.

"Handling business." He shrugged.

I scoffed and nodded my head standing to my feet.

"You got it." I mumbled.

"Celine you got bout 5 seconds to sit yo ass back on that couch."

"For what? We talking in circles, you're not getting what I'm saying. I just asked you a simple question, I just want to feel like you want me!" I fussed.

"Okay so what is the issue? Cause you're explaining it as if you think I'm not being loyal. This what got us in trouble before. How am I making you feel?" He asked.

"Like I'm not good enough because I went through something natural and common." I sat back down.

Sitting down cause my legs tired.

"I told you I didn't blame you, I told you I would never blame you. You just said it, natural and common. I can't take back what happened, I just gotta step up now." He said.

"Are you cheating on me?" I ignored his statement.

"No Egypt." He shook his head.

"Look me in my face." I crossed my arms.

"I'm looking you dead in yo face and telling you that I'm not cheating on you." He looked into my eyes.

"Mmkay." I nodded.

"That shit don't set an alarm off in yo head? We was finna have a kid, and you don't trust me." He scoffed.

"I do trust you." I nodded.

"So what you gon do if we do have kids? Question they damn daddy and tell em it's healthy? I want to build a future with you but we can't build one without trust." He said.

"I really don't feel like talking about this." I mumbled.

"You think I want to? Shit ain't always gon be peaches and cream. I want my own damn girl to trust me." He chuckled.

"I'm tired, can we please talk about this later?" I picked at my nails.

"Whatever Egypt." He waved me off.

I don't trust him, it's not even his fault. I'm not myself, I'm not being his girlfriend. I either pick an argument or just don't talk to him at all. I don't trust him because of my actions.

We haven't had sex since it happen, we aren't even sleeping in the same bed. It's like we're roommates, in a silent house.

"You'll come to bed tonight?" I asked.

"Yea E." He nodded.


"Tae." I walked down the steps.

"Wassup?" He kept his attention on the game.

"Keontae." My voice cracked.

He looked at me before his face softened. He stood up turning the TV off before picking me up. 

"What's wrong witchu?" He mumbled turning off the light.

"Not a good day." I shook my head.

I tend to shut down when I go through something. But this, this was something I had never experienced before. I was grieving the loss of something that could've been, that should've been.

"Well let's go to bed, and start again tomorrow ight?" He walked up the steps.

He's been more than patient with me. If I had to go through it with anybody, I would chose him.

He walked into the bedroom and set me down on the bed. I threw the comforter over myself turning on my side. I felt him wrap his arm around me pulling me to him.

"Ian never nun but a call away, you hear me? You not alone, I got you." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you, more than life itself Egypt." He said making me smile.

"I love you too." I pecked his lips.

And just like that, I'm drowning again.


i'm tired and this is short but enjoy

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