Chapter 11

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another one


Egypt POV

"Soo when's your birthday?" I asked.

I was currently on a "date" with Amethyst cousin. He's okay, boring very boring. He came and got me and we deadass sitting in a parking lot.

It's giving prositute.

"June 8th." He said making me nod.

"Okayyy." I looked out the window.

"The back seat more comfortable." He chuckled.

"Oh my god take me home." I sighed.

The one nigga I wanna fuck, I can't.

"You sure?" He reached over for my thigh.

"Aht, yes." I placed his band back on his side.

So glad we right down the street.

He drove for a bit before pulling up in front of the house. I saw everyone cars before looking towards him.

"I'll text you ma." He reached over and hugged me.

"Mhm bye." I hurried up and got out the car.

I walked to the door before it opened and Dee pulled me inside.

"Oh my jewel bitch you gon have to run me." I shut the door.

"How it goo?" Yana dragged.

"Tell me what part of god green earth is a date classified as sitting in a damn parking lot." I smacked my hands.

I looked around the room and saw Key and Karlie making me roll my eyes.

"You get summm?" Paris asked.

"Not a damn thing! Talm bout sum the back seat more comfortable, Ian that goddamn horny." I plopped on the sofa.

"I'm so sorry." Amethyst frowned.

"At this point I'm going gay." I threw my hands up.

"Wellll." Angel dragged standing up.

"Sit yo ass down." I pointed.

I stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

"What you getting?" Paris asked.

"Wine, need something stronger since we got guests and shit." I smiled.

I went into the fridge and took out a two bottles. 

"Bitchhhh." Yana walked in.

"Dammit I'm about to order the rose of Tik Tok." I set a glass down.

"You can try black people meet dot com." Amethyst said.

"I need a one night stand that knocks my socks off, and I don't even know his name. Something to tell my children about my raging 20's." I filled the glass.

"Match we can try match." Paris pulled out her phone.

"I hate it here, I just braid hair and dream about trench coat fantasies I'll never have." I threw my hands around.

I'm dramatic, that's something we all know. But try going months without sex, good sex at that. I only had one body, which was Kendall. I've gotten head and all that before, but he was my first body.

"It can't be that badddd." Yana dragged.

"EXCUSE ME!" I walked back into the living room.

"Oh god." Des sighed.

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