Chapter 51

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"I know damn well I ain't heard from this girl all day." I mumbled.

I pulled out my phone pulling at a stop light. It rang before she answered.

"Hello." Her voice came through.

"Fuck you doing?" I frowned.

"Finishing a client, why?" She brought her face to the camera.

"You don't got shit to say to me?" I mugged the camera.

"Uhhh, no?" She said in a question tone.

"Good bye." I hung up throwing my phone in the passenger seat.

Ion like my birthday, but damn she could tell me happy birthday. Ian even seen her all day, and the sun fucking setting.

"Forgetting a nigga and shit, I'll show her ass sum." I mumbled pulling in my driveway.

I got out locking my car doors before going up the driveway.

"Unappreciated, all the shit I do for her spoiled ass." I rambled walking in my house.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I heard making me pull my gun out.

They flicked the lights on and I looked around at my decorated house shaking my head. Amethyst and Yana popped confetti making me chuckle.

I saw Egypt come from the kitchen with a cake in her hands. She had on a red sundress that hugged her curves and showed off her cleavage. Her hair fell down her back as her hips swayed.

"Happy birthday baby." She came and stood in front of me.

I chuckled lightly and kissed her forehead before I blew out the candles.

"No wish?" She looked up at me.

"I got everything I want right here." I grabbed her waist.

She smiled and I reached down kissing her. I palmed her ass squeezing it a few times.

"You know Ima fuck the shit outta you tonight?" I whispered in her ear.

She blushed and hid her face in my chest making me chuckle.

"Y'all gon drop that damn cake." Angel came and grabbed it.


"You got enough boop?" She played with my ear.

"You making it real hard for me not to get you pregnant." I mumbled.

"How?" She laughed.

"You look good, and you cooked some good ass food." I sipped on the beer I had.

"Well, I'm gonna go get your present." She stood up and I smacked her ass.

"Fucking that walk up." I nodded and she rolled her eyes.

"Nasty for no reason." Des sighed.

He be so fed up.

"Okay." Egypt walked in with a bag.

"Lemme recordddd." Paris clapped.

"It's not much, but here." She handed it to me.

"You ain't have to do this." I dug in it pulling out the box.

I opened it and looked at the chain licking over my bottom lip.

"And the back has that." She flipped it over. 

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