Chapter 61

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whew, finna be real short


Three Months Later

Omniscient POV

"All rise." The deputy stated.

The courtroom saw a peak of heads, as the judge walked in. Key stood with cuffs around his hand. He turned around seeing everybody behind him.

"You may be seated."

Egypt sat back in her chair crossing her leg. Yana grabbed onto her hand. Egypt sighed knowing this was the end of everything she knew as normal.

He was her normal, him being in the house with her was the normal. Them spending Saturday nights as their time together was the normal.

They spent the last three months preparing for this day. He had bought her a new house, with extra space. The old house came with bad memories, police raids and arguments. This new house was the space for them to welcome their new child. She was three months pregnant to the day.

He handled all their finances, paid off all the cars, and made sure to invest enough money to flip it when he came home. She sat down with him one time to look at the numbers. She always knew Key had money.

But he had real money, he had been in the game for 10 years. He had the money where Egypt could stay at home and never blink an eye. But she vowed to herself that'd she still pursue hair.

Egypt snapped out of her thoughts hearing the ruling. She knew what was coming, but it felt like a knife to her heart.

"Keontae Kyle Wright you are hereby sentenced to 3 years." Said the judge.

Egypt released a breath, knowing he really could've been looking at 10-15 years. He had some good attorneys, and he turned himself in which helped his case.

They only had one real witness anyways, and marriage gave Egypt the right to deny her testimony.

She caved after Vegas when she found out she was pregnant. She knew she wanted to marry him, but didn't want to wait almost 10 years. This gave everybody an advantage.

They had a small ceremony, and just had dinner at The House. Their first meal together was the house. They fell in love over takeout from there. It was perfect in her eyes.

Key on the other hand scolded himself constantly. He knew better than to be so reckless. Especially when he had a wife and family to lose.

Time flew and he couldn't believe today was the day he had to say goodbye. He felt terrible for making her go through pregnancy together. He hoped and prayed that their relationship and their village would protect his wife and child.

He felt like they had been through so much together. Breakups, arguments, everything in between. He had only wished they got a happy ending.

He heard her cries from behind the stand. She didn't believe she was strong enough. To raise this child by herself for the next three years. She didn't believe she could be a mother. Not without Key by her side.

She shook her head seeing Des cry, she had never once seen him cry. He felt like he was losing his brother. Paris and Egypt meant the world to him, but Key was undeniably his bestfriend. They knew each other since grade school.

The officer escorted him to say his goodbyes. He stood up in his suit facing his family. He dapped up Wood, kissing B on her cheek. Egypt tapped her heels on the ground as her breathing picked up.

Keontae went down the line, saying his goodbyes. He normally only believed in see you later's, but this felt different.

Him and Des held a hug in the courtroom, years of brotherhood and love. They used to get into so much together, and Des never got caught. It always seemed like Keontae got the short end of the stick.

He stared down at Egypt tryna come up with the words. He placed his hands on her slightly bulging stomach. She tried to smile at him weakly.

"You know I love you Key." She rubbed the side of his face.

He nodded, still not sure what to say.

"And I know we're gonna get through this, and we're all going to be a family again." She said making tears sting his eyes.

His shoulders shook making her face soften.

"Fuck man Egypt I'm so sorry." He cried.

"I know." She wiped his face. It was never this way, she was always emotional but he stayed strong.

"I'm sorry I wasn't the man you deserve, I'm sorry our family gotta start like this, I'm sorry for making you feel that you're gonna be alone." He continued.

"Key, baby I'm not alone. The baby has two grandparents that love it and Des and Yana are gonna be great godparents. Angel wants to teach it basketball if it's a boy. And Paris already started buying bows if it's a girl." She looked around.

She was proving that she was stronger than she knew. That she could do this, and would do this.

"I love you Egypt Wright." He leaned his forehead against hers.

"I love you more." She kissed his cheek.

They looked at each other with watery eyes. Knowing that the next three years would be phone calls, cards and visits.

She promised to send ultrasounds, and nursery updates, and pictures at the hospital when she gave birth.

He made a promise to be on his best behavior, to possibly get out earlier.

He walked awake making her cry and sit back down. He looked back as he walked through the door, mouthing I love you one more time. He looked ahead staring at nothing specific.

Keontae knew ten years would catch up to him, he just hated that he hurt so many people in the process. Everybody knew he would get caught up eventually. Everybody also was gonna hold him down, they were family, brothers and sisters. Keontae always said that GAME AIN'T FREE.


bow bow bow

no sequel, but i have something new coming !

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