Chapter 33

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y'all mad?😔


Egypt POV

"Tilt your head down for me." I told my client.

My phone rang and I looked over at it picking up his call.

"Hello." I answered finishing her hair up.

"I got results, you'll open them wit me?" His voice came through.

"Hold on." I swallowed a lump in my throat.

I put him in my back pocket and turned off the flat iron off.

"Okay you're done." I smiled.

"Alright here's the money, thank you so much." She smiled back handing me cash.

"Have a good one." I walked her to the door.

I closed it and took my phone out my pocket. I sat on the couch tapping my foot.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Down the street, have the door unlocked." He said.

I nodded and hung up standing up. I went to the door turning the lock before walking to the kitchen.

"Wine, wine, wine." I looked through the fridge.

I grabbed a bottle and popped the cork out. I grabbed a glass and poured filling it to the top.

"E!" I heard him.

"Kitchen." I took a gulp.

He walked in and came in stood of me. He kissed my forehead wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Hey." I smiled.

"You good?" He asked.

"I'm fine, you?" I finished off the glass.

If the baby is his, I'm not sure how it's gonna affect us. He's still my boyfriend but I don't know want another woman giving him something I couldn't.

"Ready to get this shit over with." He mumbled.

He rested against the counter and handed me a envelope. I put my glass down and grabbed it. I opened it up and took out the papers unfolding them.

I took a deep breath and started reading them. I looked up at him with teary eyes making him sigh.

"It's yours babe." I nodded.

"Egypt man." He rubbed his temples.

I set them down looking at nothing in particular.

"Say sum." He mumbled.

"What you want me to say? What the fuck is there to say?" I snapped.

"Ion know man." He sighed.

"Well congrats." I picked up the wine bottle.

I put it up to my mouth gulping a few times. He took it away from me putting it behind his back.

"Give it back." I reached back.

"Bruh I'm not loosing you over this shit." He stepped back.

"I don't care Key give me my shit back." I fussed.

"Youn need it." He set it on the counter.

"Keontae leaveeee." I reached for it.

He grabbed my arms restricting me. I huffed and looked towards the side letting the tears fall.

"I'm sorry E, you know if I could change this shit I would." He towered over me.

"Stop because I'm over it." I pushed him back.

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