Chapter 26

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Egypt POV

"My KeyKeyyyy." I dragged walking in the house.

I closed the door and set my bag on the floor. The whole house was dark and I frowned.

"KEONTAE!" I yelled.

I went up the stairs and his bedroom door was cracked. I opened it and looked at him laid out across the floor.

"Key!" I ran over getting on my knees.

I looked at the white substance all around his mouth and looked around. I saw perc baggies on the bed and a few double cups.

"Shit." I mumbled pulling my phone out my back pocket.

"911 what's your emergency?" I heard a person.

"My boyfriend, I just walked in and I think he overdosed. He-he." I stammered over my words feeling them get caught in my chest.

"Ma'am just stay calm, does he have a pulse?" She asked.

I felt his neck and nodded rapidly.

"Yea, yes he has a pulse." I nodded.

"Okay what's your address ma'am?" She asked again.

"Um-um 5612 Engle Drive." I stuttered.

"I'm sending a ambulance right now, try and stay calm. Tell me about it him." She said.

"Um, he's 24, yea he's 24. I met him a few months ago, and um everyone calls him Key. I call him boop, he hates it." I ranted.

This is working surprisingly.

"That sounds great, they're not far away now. What's he like?"

"He's like a bear, you're first instinct is to run. He's tall, and mean, and intimidating. But he's soft and gentle in real life. He's supportive, and caring, and he-" I cut myself wiping my tears.

"And he's what? He sounds great."

"He's the perfect man." I sniffed.

I heard the door open and I looked at the paramedics. I shut my phone off and stood up as they put him on a stretcher.

Ranting to a 911 operator, highly recommended.

"How old is he?" One asked me.

"He's 24." I looked back and forth.

"Is he allergic to anything?" Another one asked.

Twelve thats it's that's all.

"No, he's not." They picked him up.

I followed behind them grabbing my purse. I locked the door and ran to the ambulance.

"We got some response!" They yelled.

I sat on the little bench and they pulled off hastily.

"Ma'am try talking to him, see if we can get a response." They told me.

I nodded and bent down next to the stretcher.

"Hey boop." I grabbed his hand.

"I like you a lot, most people would say I love you. But we not quite there yet, I like you." I nodded.

"You like me too?" I felt him squeeze my hand.

"Yea E." He mumbled raspy before he started shaking.

"Step back." She pushed me back.

"Charge...clear!" His body jumped up.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Des number. My hands shook lightly as tears flowed down my face.

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