Chapter 37

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y'all happy now🙄


Egypt POV

I scrolled on my phone waiting for him to come out. I hummed to the music lightly seeing him walk out the door.

He opened my door and got in adjusting his seat. I frowned and looked over at him.

"We gon try this shit again orrr?" I arched my eyebrow.

"My fault, wassup shordy." He reached over and kissed my forehead.

"Hi baby." I poked out my lips and he pecked them a few times.

I looked back up and saw some girls going in the door. I looked over at him tilting my head. He asked me to come pick him up from the trap, which I didn't mind and I wanted to see him anyways.

"Who them is?" I asked changing my gear.

"They inner trippin, whole bunch of bitches up in there." He mumbled.

I looked over at him studying his body language. I backed out and started driving tapping the steering wheel.

"How was your day?" I turned a corner.

"It was straight, yours?" He ran his hand down his face.

"Fine." I shrugged.

"What's wrong witchu?" He looked over at me.

"Nun." I shook my head.

"Pull over." He motioned.

I sighed and turned pulling into the empty parking lot. I cut my car off and raked my hands through my hair.

"What?" I was irritated to say the least.

"Fuck wrong witchu? If them girls going up in there bothering you make that shit known." He shrugged.

I looked at him bored playing with my nails.

"I smell perfume on you, and it's not mine. When you left this morning I was still in bed so it can't be mine. And whatever it is I don't wear it." I smacked my hands together.

He always smelled like me, I wore the same perfume everyday. Even his house was starting to smell like me.

"And you're implying I cheated on you?" He looked at me.

"I'm not implying anything, I'm asking you why you smell like somebody else's perfume. I think as your girlfriend I deserve to know." I explained.

He leaned back in his seat huffing a bit. I nodded my head and started the car back up.


"Keontae I've had a really long day, and I'm tired. I would really love to just get home and get in the bed." I cut him off.

Do I think he cheated on me? No, I can't base a whole theory off him smelling like something. But it's hard not to wonder when I'm telling him I love him, and care for him, and appreciate him and he's not doing the same.

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