Chapter 60

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"Owwww, oh my gosh." I saw Egypt wince in pain.

"Girl shut yo ass up." I chuckled  

"You're done with yours, easy for you to say." She frowned at me  

I looked down at my right forearm checking the tattoo. The girl wouldn't marry me, but swore we should get matching tattoos. Mine read "The Beast." with a lion claw surrounding it. I was already tatted so it was the perfect add on to my collection.

On her right ring finger "The Beauty" was written out with a rose following shortly after. Hers was delicate and in cursive.

"Y'all are all set." The tattoo artist wrapped her up.

I handed my card to pay the balance while she sat with a pout on her face. I could tell she was in pain but she had multiple so I knew she'd be fine. I looked over her appearance licking over my lip. Her eyelashes hung over eyelids as she looked at her phone. Her nails typed away at her screen before she locked her phone. She stood up stretching out her small legs. She didn't have her ring on cause she was scared she was gonna loose it.

As her eyes locked into mine she tilted her head with a slit smirk. I chuckled before turning away to sign the receipt. She threw her purse over her shoulders as I towered over her.

"So I looked it up, and that donut place is around the corner on the strip, we can walk over." She proposed as we made our way out the tattoo shop.

"Fasho." I nodded.

The Vegas sun hit us making her pull down her sunglass from off her head. She raked her hands through her black hair making the curls bounce on the end.

"If they nasty we fighting Tae." Her sandals hit the concrete.

"Pick yo damn feet up Big Foot." I mushed her head.

She laughed making me chuckle. I hooked my arm onto her shoulder making her step closer to me. 

I was slowly starting to realize that my years were catching up to me. Charge after charge continued to get thrown on my record. Possession of a firearm, illegal substances, even murder was slowly starting to creep back on me. 

I had never mentioned it, but I killed her mothers fiancé. I knew her living with that pain of her own mother neglecting her wouldn't go away, but I did what I knew how to do best. Protect her.

That's what I was doing now by not telling her, but I knew if we touched back down in North Carolina soon it was over for me. Vegas wasn't a vacation, I was running.

I couldn't run forever, so I planned a flight out. It gave us a week to spend time together. I was gonna tell her about everything, and leave everything to her so she'd be set. I planned on turning myself in so that I could be out quicker due to corporation. I had set up bank accounts in her name, and signed her name onto my house deed. 

Everything was ready, I just wasn't ready to leave her. 

I saw her stop breaking me outta my thoughts. I opened up the door letting her walk in stepping behind her.

"Aw hell nah." She looked at the donuts the size of her face. 

"Oh shit." I chuckled.

"You tryna kill me? You know my daddy got high blood pressure it run in the family." She looked over the case of donuts.

"What can I get for you all?" A cashier stepped on the opposite side.

"The birthday cake, yea lemme get that." Egypt shrugged.

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