Chapter 2

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Nanon's POV:

I woke up from sleep and checked it's already night.

"How careless is he to not take suppressants??" Tay shouted from downstairs….

"Oh no....I am gonna be dead meat!! What should I do?"

"Khun Non wakes up already". P'Chariya came to my room and asked with concern.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Hmm fine... better".

"Alpha and Luna are downstairs waiting for you." P'Chariya said

"What happened to me??" I asked since I don't remember what happened after I tried to reach my car in the financial sector entrance.

"You faint because of too much alpha pheromone since you are an Omega you can't take the enormous amount of pheromones that surround you.So it makes you faint and weak.

Doctor came to check and told you to take suppressants and some medicine everyday." P'Chariya explained.

"Is Dad angry with me??" I asked while lowering my head.

P'Chariya lifted my head to look at her and smiled. "Yes he is…. but you should explain to them and tell them what made you go there in the first place."

"You know why??" I asked shockingly.

"I knew. But you are an Omega so at least take suppressants with you wherever you go, this would not happen if you were more careful."

"I intentionally did that." I told the truth.

"Well I am not surprised….."

"Go and explain or tell what you want…."

"It's useless…" I said dejectedly.

"Nothing is useless. At Least you can try to make it useful by voicing it…..."

After I thought for a while, I slowly climbed down the stairs and stood in front of my dad and papa.

Frank was also there with my elder brother.

Tay: "Non…" Dad called my name with his anger filled voice.

Non: "Dad, before you ask anything, can I say something??"

Tay: ….

Non: Dad please….

Tay: Hmm

After taking a deep breath,

Non: I…

Tay: You?

Non: Ireallywanttoworkonfinancialsector.

I said it in one word.

Tay: Non, I don't understand what you said but I can guess you want to work in the financial sector. Am I right??

I nodded.

Tay: We already discu….

Non: I am not yet completed speaking with you Dad.

Tay took a deep sigh and…..

Tay: Go ahead.

Non: I want to be an Alpha.

Tay: That's not gonna happen because you are born Omega.

Non: Okay then. At Least treat me like an Alpha. Like give me works that alpha can do…. Trust me dad I am capable of doing anything that Alpha can do.

Tay: Before I give an answer to you, can you tell me, when you can't even stand with 10 alphas surrounded by you, then how come you work with Alphas?

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