Chapter 34

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Next day everyone gathered in the resort lake house where they were going to make an announcement.

Off: Okay everyone before making an announcement Alpha Pluem wants to show you something especially for my Baby.

Chimon shocked to know that this announcement related to him. So he got excited and ready to watch the video.

After Off told everyone he played a video in the big screen which Pluem wants to show before he speak.

After watching the video, Chimon cheeks were so red that he felt hot all over his body. He feel more shy when Pluem try to speak.

Pluem: Hmm. Okay. I……...

Frank: P' say it already.

Pluem took a deep sign before he started to speak.

Pluem: Everyone knows that I am the next Alpha of this Planet Cern.

Also I will have so many responsibilities and work after I will be crowned as an Alpha King.

It's a difficult task but I am really happy to serve the people.

In this journey every Alpha needs his Luna by his side to support and encourage whenever I am sad and give me advice when I am in a dilemma.

Not only support me but also caring and loving me.

I am happy that the Moon Goddess gave me a beautiful, loving and caring Omega.

He is supporting me from the very day when I know him, I mean even before we know we are mates.

Also I salute to his patience level because it's been a few years since I came to know he is my mate. But I asked him to wait for us to get married. I want to gain so much knowledge and experience to rule this Planet. So I asked I asked him to wait until I am ready to get married

He waited patiently and loved me no matter how much I spent more time with work than him.

With his presence I forgot everything and only him. He gives me a serene environment whenever I spend time with him.

He is all I could ask for.

I know in the future there will be more work and responsibilities and work I have to do. I can't promise you that I will spend some quantity time with you, but I will spend quality time whenever possible. Also I can assure you this Alpha heart only belongs to you and you only.

Before saying it he took another deep sigh and,

Pluem: Can you be my Luna?

Chimon was so emotionally unstable that he literally started crying.

Pluem: Oh… Chimon….what happened? Why are you crying?

Chimon keeps on crying while sobbing until he can't even speak any words.

Pluem: Did I do something wrong?

Chimon: no Alpha.. it's not that….I…..I. hick ….hick…..

I love you and yes I want to be your Luna.

Everyone started to clap once he said those words and Pluem kissed Chimon forehead while stroking on his head.

Non: I am so happy for you Chimon. Congratulations to both of you.

Everyone congratulating the couple.

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