#5 - pathetic (S.B)

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blood-muggle born
warnings: bullying?? || mild swearing at the end
notes: marauders era || young sirius black

request from JulzLovDraco4Eva

i was sat in the court yard with my four best friends; sirius black, remus lupin, james potter and peter pettigrew. we had all been bestfriends since 1st year, (flashback) i was taking a walk through the forbidden forest when i hear some strange noises coming from behind a big tree, being the curious gryffindor i am i investigated, finding to my suprise 4 boys who looked to be in my year yet they were transforming "they must be transforming into their animagus forms" i thought to myself slightly terrified as i watched them transform into a dog, rat, stag and werewolf. once the four layed eyes on me they instantly transformed back apart from the werewolf who was guided away from the scene, the one with dark brown hair, who i later learned was sirius black, came up to me and made me promise to keep what i had just witnessed secret. (end of flash back)
and from that day onwards we had been inseparable. although i did have a special connection to sirius almost as if an invisible string was attached to us pulling us together.

we would sit in the courtyard regularly, it was our spot which was a blessing and a curse at the same time. we all knew where to find each other because we'd always be at our spot however it meant regulus black, sirius' insufferable younger brother, also knew where to find us. regulus approached us as he did most days to tease sirius about not being in slytherin, the entire black family had been in slytherin and sirius was the only one who wasn't, he was disowned by his family as soon as they found out he was in gryffindor. i suppose that could be why i have such an attraction to sirius, besides his chiseled jawline and defined cheekbones and those beautiful dark eyes, he was vulnerable and relied on me from a young age even tho he won't admit it.

that's why when regulus approached sirius and started making fun of his disownment and the fact he was friends with me (a muggle born) i snapped. "your pathetic sirius no wonder your stuck with these as your friends" regulus spat "SHUT UP!!" i shouted standing to be face to face with regulus "JUST BECAUSE SIRIUS HAS PEOPLE AROUND HIM WHO CARE FOR HIM AND LOVE HIM AND YOU DONT IS SO REASON TO BE AN EVIL LITTLE GIT!!" i roared, regulus took a step back shocked at my outburst. i couldn't take it i cared so deeply for sirius, i felt so many emotions; love, sadness, anger, confusion i just burst. "now now mudblood no need to be rude" regulus purred pushing my back up against a tree. slap. he'd slapped me right in the face, i pushed him away but it was no use he just pushed me back i landed on the floor on my arm, i heard a crack as a flood of pain came over me.

i don't remember much after that the pain made my mind all blurry, according to peter a teacher broke up the fight and took regulus to see professor dumbledor. my arm was broken in two places and bandaged up and i had to stay in the hospital wing for a couple days so madame pomfrey can "keep an eye on me", i truly hope regulus gets expelled for this although he won't because his father will bribe dumbledor as always. i was brought out my thoughts by the sound of chairs screeching on the floor and james, remus and peter leaving the hospital wing. i look at sirius confused "i wanted to speak to you alone" he confessed, nodding my head showing i understand and signalling for him to continue "Y/N why?" sirius asked. i was silent for a second contemplating telling him everything, do i tell him about my feelings for him and that was the reason for my behaviour earlier, that i can't stand to see him upset? do i lie and say i just don't like regulus? do i say it was his comment towards our friends that angered me? "you" i blurted out "that wasn't the plan" i thought to myself "what?" he questioned. i stared at his beautiful face while pondering how to get out of this situation, he truly was gorgeous, he's perfection, even the scar on his forehead from where i accidentally threw at rock at him fourth year. perfect. "i like you sirius i always have and always will" "agian this wasn't the plan shut up you idiot" i thought to my self. "ever since i saw you transform into your animagus first year i've had feelings for you, all the time we spend together all the memories we've made have been so special to me, your special to me, you mean everything to me" sirius sat there shocked with wide eyes. i continued "and i feel so terrible you got disowned and i hate how you regulus treats you, you deserve so much better, i love you and i hate seeing you s-" i was cut off by sirius' lips on mine. it was soft and sweet. perfect. he pulled away slightly and whispered "thank you" kiss "i love you too" kiss "Y/N?" kiss "will you be my girlfriend?" kiss "of course i squealed as he enveloped me in a hug. "OW OW OW OW SIRIUS OW MY ARM" i repeated. "shit sorry love i forgot i'm sorry do you need the nurse?" "no no i'm fine" i smiled. "good" he said as he kissed me again.

"put him down Y/N you don't know where he's been" said james smiling "yeah Y/N you might catch something" remus added with a sarcastic tone . "shut up you two" i said blushing. "well done padfoot" i heard peter say as the three sat down agian .

i spent the next two days in the hospital wing, sirius stayed with me and took care of me never leaving my side no matter how many times madame promfrey told him to go to class. the boys came to visit whenever they could, and would sneak in during the night and we'd all chat till the early hours. maybe having a broken arm wasn't that bad.

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