#18 - happier (R.W)

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notes-i hate this but i wanna put out every story i write

i know it was selfish of me but i was tired of my friends, tired of their problems that were constantly given to me to deal with, tired of being around people with that energy. i was friends with draco malfoy, pansy parkinson, blaise zambini, adrian pucey, and crabbe and goyle. i had a theory that draco and blaise had recently had to become death eaters, they were making the others (mainly me) do all sorts of odd tasks. im aware of dracos dads brutality and how he most probably forced him to become a death eater but he had the chance to leave with his mother but would rather stay and please his father. on top of that pansy and adrian were the most evil duo, they would bully people to the point where 1st years would run away screaming when seeing them walk down the corridor, id find myself constantly apologising to all their victims each time and i was tired of being associated with that.

"pansy just stop for once leave them alone!" i shouted standing in front of a terrified 3rd year that pansy was just about to swing for, "what?" she snarled, she hated people telling her what to do, shed rather have all her friends worshiping the ground she walked on like she was some royalty. "just stop" i replied in the same tone as her, "you have a nerv-" she said starting to walk towards me but was cut off by draco "Y/N meet me in the room of requirements at 6pm i have a job for you" "NO!" i shouted "ive had enough, ive had enough of you bullying people and you making me deal with your problems" i said pointing at each of them "fine, run off to your little golden trio, im sure theyd love to have a blood traitor like you in their group" draco snapped "DONT YOU DARE-" i started "Y/N leave it" i heard i turned around to see ron, ron weasley. him and i along with hermione and harry had been good friends since third year when draco kicked me out of the friendship group for calling him 'daddys boy' and i hung around with them, however since i was in slytherin i couldnt be publicly friends with them, not if i wanted a home to go to during the holidays anyway.

ron dragged me away before i could throw any insults "darling youve got to calm down, i know you hate them and i wish you could hang around with me, harry and hermione but thats just how it is, look come back to the gryffindor common just for tonight? no one will know" he said cupping my cheeks in his hands doing his best to calm me down. "no ron ive had enough" i said "eh?" he replied looking confused "ive had enough of that pugfaced bitch and ive had enough of that blonde ferret ive had enough of having to pretend im not friends with you and hermione and harry" i took a deep breathe "i dont want to be friends with them anymore" "i know love i know" he said bringing me into a hug. my heart fluttered at the feeling of ron so close to me, he was extremly attractive, he had plenty of girls swooning over him, for good reason aswell. he smelt like soap and wood, his hands softly rubbed circles on my back as i nestled my head into his neck.

ron had brought me into the gryffindor common room, i sat and ranted to hermione about my problems and after a while a started to feel better, just being out of the slytherins company made me feel so much better. the four of us laughed so much, more than i had the whole year. hermione painted my nails while catching me up on all the gryffindor gossip, ron and harry did their best at braiding my hair which just ended up in a big knot. i felt free for once, away from all the negativity, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

at around 6pm we decided to go for a walk, our laughs filled the corridors as hermione was scolding harry for almost falling off the moving stairs. rons hand found its way to small of my back, a warm feeling spread through my heart, i looked up at him and smilled indicating it was okay. ron and i dropped back from the other two and started our own conversation his hand now firmly grasping my waist as we all wandered aimlessly amongst the empty corridors stopping occasionally to peek into professors offices. "you seem alot happier" ron bent down and whispered in my ear "i am" i replied "so much happier" i said beaming "Y/N ron are you hungry?" harry asked turning around, he spotted rons hand on my waist and gave him a knowing look "course im hungry mate" ron said "last one to the kitchens has to seduce snape" hermione yelled as she started running, ron grabbed my hand and started to run. running down the corridors hand in hand with ron, the most caring boy in the world, giggles echoing everywhere. i couldnt have been happier.

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