#16 - fingertips (F.W)

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blood-doesnt matter
warnings: tiny bit of swearing || detailed make out
notes: if you have any requests pls dm me <333

"IM SICK OF YOU, IM SICK OF YOUR STUPID PRANKS, IM SICK OF YOU CONTROLLING ME, IM SICK OF CHANGING MY LIFE TO FIT YOU" i screamed at george (my boyfriend), "WELL MAYBE IF YOU WASNT SUCH A PRISS AND LISTENING TO ME EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE THEN THERE WOULDNT BE A PROBLEM" george replied. i was tired of constantly tiptoeing around george, making sure i don't annoy him, making sure everything goes his way, i cant deal with him when he doesn't get his way. i even went as far as cutting out all my guy friends including neville longbottom, who had been my friend since birth, just to please him. so now we we're arguing in his dorm while fred sat in the corner not knowing where to look.

"DONT YOU DARE CALL ME A PRISS" i spat, "OOO WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO? TELL YOUR DADDY?" george said mocking me knowing damn well my father was in azkaban suffering for something he didn't do. "GEORGE THATS OUT OF ORDER" fred intervened "thank you fred" i said smiling at the slightly more attractive lanky ginger, his personality was way more attractive than george's. "oh i see how it is" george said suddenly calm "what?" fred replied genuinely confused "how long have you two been fucking then?" george asked. "what- mate were no-" fred tried to explain, "yanno what fred you can have her, angelinas better in bed anyway" and with that he left his dorm slamming the door on the way out.

i stood still for a second looking at the door try to comprehend what just happened. "did he really just admit to cheating on me? with fred's girlfriend? did he really just break up with me?" i asked myself in my head. "Y/N darling i'm so sorry" fred said pulling me from my thoughts, i turned to him expecting him to be upset about his girlfriend cheating on him but to my suprise he was calm, more worried about my well-being than anything. "come here" fred said getting up off his bed and pulling me into a hug, before i knew it i fell to the floor, my face in my hands, sobbing, while fred rocked me back and forth.

"he had a cheek to make me lose all my guy friends and accuse me of cheating on him with you when he'd already cheated!!" i said. fred and i were now layed on his bed, i was cuddled into his side while i ranted to him."why on earth would he do that fred?" i asked "i don't know love, i don't know what's happened to him" i scoffed "angelina" i said. he chuckled "yeah it's probably her" "are you not sad i mean she is your girlfriend" i asked sitting up to look into his eyes, i could tell if he was lying then. "not really if i'm honest i've been in love with someone else for the past couple of months" he said not breaking eye contact with me. i got a sinking feeling in my stomach at the mention of him being in love with someone else, i didn't get that even when george admitted he cheated, i don't know why but i felt jealous. "oh who?" i asked trying to seem calm "mmm well she's this gorgeous girl like really stunning" fred said smirking, finding it hilarious that i wasn't catching on "go on" i said. "well she has these beautiful eyes they're Y/E/C that shine when she's doing something mischievous and she has this soft Y/H/C hair that smells like strawberries and vanilla" he said smiling looking straight into my eyes. "and you wanna know the best part?" he asked, "what?" i replied he pulled me in by my chin and whispered into my ear "she just broke up with her boyfriend so i'm hoping i have a chance" i looked at him with wide eyes finally realising it was me. hes been in love with me for the past couple of months. his hand which had been rested on my hip the entire time started to move up and down me as he caressed every inch of my body with his fingertips. i looked at his lips seeing his classic weasley smirk plastered on his face, i couldn't help myself, i kissed him.

i know it was wrong, he was my ex's twin brother and we'd only been separated for the best part of an hour. but i couldn't stop myself, he'd been so comforting for the past hour i felt this strong urge to be closer to him, closer than i was, i was drawn to him. the kiss was incredible, better than george had ever kissed me, his lips were soft and tasted like apple and cinnamon, his cologne filled my nostrils. it was like heaven. my fingertips softly touched his face, holding him lightly, not wanting to ever let go.

i slowly climbed on top of him as he sat up, his hands grabbed my hips, starting to rock me back and forth slightly, i could feel he was already hard. his hands ran up and down my back, i rocked back and forth on him harder causing him to groan, slightly from pleasure but also from the release of tension in his boxers, i slipped my tongue into his mouth yearning for more of him. i wanted him. i was hypnotised by fred's hands on my body, fred's tongue in my mouth, fred hard dick protruding through his joggers slightly poking me. i didn't hear the door open. "fred do you know where Y/N is i want to apolog- WHAT THE FUCK" i jumped off of fred as he quickly sat up and did his best to conceal his boner, "FRED WHAT THE FUCK" george yelled. "I CAN UNDERSTAND Y/N WANTING TO GET HER OWN BACK BUT YOU? WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO YOU?" he continued. "apart from accusing me of sleeping with your girlfriend you treated her like shit, you controlled her, you constantly insulted, made her lose all her friends and fucking cheated on her with MY girlfriend" fred said trying to stay calm, it didn't last long however as george said "you could have atleast waited a week before sticking your tongue down her throat". "WAITED? YOU AND Y/N WERE EVEN BROKEN UP WHEN YOU DECIDED TO FUCK MY GIRLFRIEND" "look it's not my fault you can't keep your hands off her don't blame this on me" george said. "do you think i chose this? do you think i planned on falling for my brothers girlfriend? i didn't want this to happen but i can't help the way i feel about her" fred said, i turned to him a large smile on my face "i hope you're happy together" george said before slamming the door yet again.

let me know if you want me to do a part 2 and i'll continue the smut ;)

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