#17 - 'love' (O.W)

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blood-doesnt matter
notes: sorry i didn't post yesterday <3

"ughhhhh" i yelled after my third miss, i'd been outside for hours throwing the ball into the hoop from different distances. i was practicing for the quidditch match against slytherin that was tomorrow. slytherin played dirty and there was only two ways to beat them, stoop to their level and also "bend the rules" or be really really really good. i was aiming for the latter but the first option was always a back up.

it was starting to get dark, so dark stars were appearing. however i knew i had to keep practicing if i wanted my team to have a slight chance of beating slytherin, i was the main chaser, the one everyone relied on, therefore i needed to be good, very very good. "FUCK!" i shouted missing once again before flying down to retrieve the quaffle. "language Y/N, dumbledore would turn in his grave if he heard you" i heard a boy say, i recognised that thick scottish accent anywhere, i turned to see the gryffindor captain with a smirk plastered on his face. "it would help if the man was dead?" i replied clearly stressed. "good point, how long you been out here then love?" he replied walking closer to me. "what time is it?" i asked panting slightly "9:53" he replied "then 5 hours and 42 minutes". "christ Y/N practice is good but too much is bad, cmon take a break you must knackered" oliver said sounding very concerned, "oli i cant i have to practice, you know how slytherin play and now they have malfoy on there team plus his daddy bought everyone the new nimbus' an-" "Y/N Y/N calm down it's going to be fine okay, you're a great chaser like incredible, well beat them easily with you on the team" he said putting his hand on my shoulders and brushing the hair out of my face.

he smiled at me for a second before speaking again "cmon love, here lay down" he said while point to a less muddy spot on the floor. i complied and he followed. we layed in silence for a while looking at the stars "i saw you practicing from all the way up there" he said pointing to a part of the school i didn't even know was accessible, "we're gonna do okay tomorrow aren't we oli?" he chuckled "what's funny?" i asked, "nothing i just love when you call me 'oli' and don't worry love we'll do just fine" he said, i chuckled. "what's funny?" he asked "nothing i just love when you call me 'love' " i replied smiling. we layed together for the rest of the night, talking, giggling, flirting. "you see that one over there that kinda looks like a tadpole with a long tail? thats called draco, the brat gets a constellation named after him" oliver said pointing into the sky "its a shame his personality isnt as pretty as that constellation"i giggled, oliver laughed along too.

after a while i had moved so i was cuddled up against olivers side, his arm around my shoulder rubbing it lovingly. i learned how much oliver loved stars, if im honest i never knew he had any interest other than quidditch, i never saw him as anything other than my quidditch coach but today i saw another side to him, i saw him as an actual person and not someone whos crazy in love with quidditch. he was kind and funny and had a great memory (probably developed through years of memorising tactics though) he was also a massive flirt, it made me wonder if that was his personality or if he genuinely had an interest in me. i hope it was the latter. "what you thinking about sweatheart?" he asked his scottish accent even thicker now, presumably because he was tired. "are you always a flirt or have i been lucky tonight?" i asked "no love, your the only girl ive acted like this towards in a couple years" he confessed "what so your usually weirdly obsessed with quidditch all the time? like thats how you actually are?" i asked turning on my side to face him while placing my left hand on his chest and using my right to prop up my head "you cheeky little bugger" he said also getting up but starting to tickle me.

we spent the next couple of minutes tickling each other and rolling around, i got on top and he finally surrendered "OKAY OKAY STOP YOU WIN" he said between laughs i stopped but realised i was still on top of him, straddling him. he soon realised and looked down at where we were touching, he sat up and placed his hands on my lower back, rubbing up and down. his eyes drifting down my body taking in the view. he stroked over my hips to my thighs massaging them slightly, i put my hands on his shoulders i could feel the muscle through his shirt. his back, shoulders and arms were so muscly from all the years of playing quidditch. "Y/N?" he asked looking into my eyes "mhmm" i replied, there was inches between our lips, i could feel his breath clashing with mine. "can i?" he asked i didnt reply, i just smashed my lips against his, i never new i felt such a strong attraction to him, he was so much better than any other boy id kissed. all the love all the affection he felt towards me was shown in the kiss, his hands rubbed circles on my arse, giving it the occasional squeeze.

we were interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps then a voice that echoed across the pitch "right whos there?" it was filch. we both quickly got up and ran to the nearest stand and hid. "i know theres someone here!! we heard you!! didnt we mrs norris" we heard him say. oliver was stood behind me his hands on either one of my hips, we were both stifiling laughs. after a while filch get annoyed and left not with out grumble to mrs norris about how annoying us kids are, once filch was out of earshot oliver spoke up "cmon love we best get you back" he grabbed my hand "youve got a big day tommorow" we walked back to the gryffindoor common room hand in hand, laughing the whole way. when we got to the entrance of the girls dorm he kissed my hand and whispered "sweet dreams princess" in my ear before lightly stroking my chin and walking off. i watched as he walked away with a huge grin on my face.

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