#20 - my boy (C.D)

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blood-half blood
warnings: swearing || death || very sad
notes: im sorry this is so sad but i had to, i will do a normal cedric one soon i promise <3

i cant say i was pleased when cedrics name was chosen, he was chosen to be one of 4 (usually 3 but 4 including harry) to participate in the triwizard tournaments. he along with all the other people who stupidly put their names in that damn goblet new how dangerous it was, i wasnt happy when he told me he entered however i convinced myself there was no chance of him being chosen. i was wrong. he was chosen. now i had to spend the next couple of weeks worrying for the saftey of my boyfriend.

my bestfriend agatha had made me be more accepting of cedric participating in the tournament, she too wasnt happy he went behind my back and entered but what is done is done. cedric needed all the support he could get and it was my duty as his girlfriend to provide that. no matter how stupid he is. his father, who was incredibly proud of him for being chosen, also had managed to convince me that is was a 'great opportunity for ced' and that i should be 'cheering him on from the sidelines'. so thats what i did, i went to all the tournaments and rooted for him, i congratulated him when he when he made it out alive, i dressed his wounds he got from that bloody dragon. i was supporting him to the best of my ability, however when i heard what the last tournament was going to be i couldnt help myself but try and convince ced not to do it.

"ced i have a really bad feeling about this will you please listen" i pleaded "darling ill be fine" he said chuckling slightly "please this isnt funny i have this weird feeling somethings going to go terribly wrong i know its only a maze but i cant help but worry" i said starting to get upset. "ah youll always be a worrier my love" he said smilling that charming smile. "all participants please make your way to front of the maze" we heard over the intercon, "thats me, look darling ill be just fine" he said holding my face "are you sure?" i asked looking to his eyes, "im positive, but just in case remember ill always love you bunny" he said "dont say that" i paused "i love you too", he placed a soft kiss to my lips before running off to join the others. i went and sat with his father and agatha who were both cheering away, i couldnt help but worry.

i was sat waiting impatiently, picking at my nails, it had been about two hours and no one had returned, the weird feeling didnt go away if anything it got worse. "dont worry Y/N ceds a fighter hes gonna come out there a champion" amos said nudging me, just as those words left his mouth harry had returned, i looked over and saw cedric laying on the floor at his feet, i stood from my seat and realised he wasnt getting up. harry looked distraught as dropped down by cedrics side, he was crying. he must have passed out, or have been been hurt i tried to reason with myself as much as i didnt want to think it, cedric looked dead. i started running towards him people were trying to hold me back but i shook of their grip, i could hear muffles of people screaming, shouting, calling out my name but it sounded fuzzy. i couldnt feel anything, i dont know how my legs were moving but they were. nothing in this moment felt real, all i could think about was being by cedrics side as soon as possible.

i reached him and dropped to my knees shoving harry out of the way, i looked at his face and immediately began to sob, he looked terrified, id hate to think thats what he was feeling moments before he died. his eyes were open but they werent looking at anything, just staring straight up at the sky. i held his face in my hands, just like he had 2 hours earlier, he felt so cold. even though i was touching his face i felt so far away, so distant. i lifted his head and put it on my lap beginning to stroke his soft hair that was now so messy, i didnt mind he was always beautiful to me. i collapsed forward and began sobbing in to his chest gripping at his shirt, his heart beat would usually calm me down but now it was gone, he was just a cold shell of the boy i fell in love with. i dont know why but i tried to wake him "cedric baby please, cmon wake up, please cedric". people had started to gather round to look at him, to look at my boy, at the lowest point of his life, like he was some artefact in a museum or an animal in a zoo. "FUCK OFF ALL OF YOU, YOU SICK BASTARDS!" i yelled, professors got to work at dispersing the crowd. i looked back at my baby who laid lifeless on the floor, he was once the life of the party, the one to brighten my day, my world, my rock, my everything, my boy. now he was gone, all i had left was gone, he was laid dead on my lap, the same position he had laid in many nights while i stoked his hair and we talked and laughed for hours on end. now all i had was the memories.

i felt a hand on my arm as i was starting to get pulled away from him, my boy. "NO NO NO" i screamed "I CANT LEAVE HIM LET GO" i tried to wiggle away but it was no use, i stopped holding myself up and fell to the floor in a pile, i didnt care i was embarrassing myself. i screamed and screamed, i was in so much pain. "NO MY BOY BRING HIM BACK" i sobbed out. i was being dragged now along the floor further and further away from my one true love, the only person ill ever love, my always, my boy, cedric.

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