#9 - him (D.M)

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warnings: Y/N is sad in this

i hadn't been doing well recently and my bestfriend draco malfoy was starting to realise. i'd been skipping classes, laying in bed all day at the weekend, passing on going to hogsmeade with all our friends and spending less and less time with him.

"sweet heart?" i turned to see him stood in the door way of the astronomy tower, this was mine and dracos special spot so it wasn't surprising i was there however it was 4:30 am and i was sat on the edge of barrier with my legs dangling off. "darling what are you doing get down" draco said helping me down sounding very concerned. "don't worry dray i'm fine it's very quiet up here at night" i say peering off the edge looking down at the ground below. "Y/N look at me, what's going on? you've not been yourself recently, you've not been hanging out with the rest of us, your missing classes, you won't even go to hogsmeade!" draco reeled off all the things i'd been doing over the past month, he was right i wasn't myself. "i know i know i'm just...not doing good" i admitted, "darling why didn't you say, i'm always here for you no matter what the issue is, no matter how far apart we are, no matter what time it is, if you need me i'll be there" draco said pulling me into a hug. i nestled my face in his chest, his cologne filling my nostrils and distracting my mind, draco holding me in his arms stroking my hair was all i needed to make me feel better my scenes filled with draco malfoy. all i could feel was him, all i could smell was him, all could hear was his heart, beat all i could see was him. "come on let's go back go back so you can get some sleep you've got a big day ahead of you" draco said with a slight smirk after holding me for some time, "wait wha-" "don't question it" he interrupted. with the way i was feeling there wasn't a bone in my body that could be bothered to question it.

the next morning i woke up at 10:30am "morning my love" he cooed stroking my hair, "morning dra- how'd you get in here?" i sat up slightly shocked but not mad to have draco malfoy in my bed. "i have my ways now get up, shower, and get dressed" he ordered, "what why what about scho-" i said confused "love, just get up". after showering and getting dressed draco dragged me hand in hand through the school, outside past where he got punched by hermione, past hagrids hut and around the forbidden forest. the most beautiful flower filed field was presented to me, squeezing dracos hand i said"it's beautiful how did you know it was here" "i have my ways" he stated again this time with the biggest grin plastered on his face. he walked behind me and grabbed my hips "you see that big tree over there with the white petals?" draco said pointing to a tree in the distance, "mhmm" i replied "last one to it has to put a love spell on filch" and with that he was running, i didn't take long to start running too i eventually caught up to him and pulled his arm to try and get infront, it worked although not for long as draco grabbed my waist pushing me behind him. this went on for a while until we both ended in the middle of the field in a pile, panting. "i'm...still...gonna get...there...before you" i said between pants "let me...catch my breathe...and i'll be gone...you won't even see me i'll be running that fast" i joked "we'll see about that princess" he said jumping up, i followed.

eventually we made it to the tree (i won) "YES SUCK IT MALFOY" "you first" he teased "behave" i warned him. "okay you trust me dont you Y/N?" draco asked "of course" i answer, he covers my eyes with his hands as he guided me somewhere "okay wait, don't look, can you see? okay wait, hold on you can't see can you? okay now, open!" i opened my eyes and on the floor was a picnic, there was a little basket filled to the brim with cakes and sandwiches and there were drinks layed out neatly on a green blanket, my favourite colour. "buba? did you do all this? for me?" "yes of course i did princess" i was tearing up i'd never received such a thoughtful gesture before, he really was perfect. i turned round and kissed him he was shocked at first but soon kissed back, the kiss was loving and sweet, tender full of passion and emotion. "you don't know how long i've wanted that to happen" he said smiling. his smile was perfect, he never smiled much at least not in front of people, his smile makes me feel so warm like i just want to hug him until the end of time. "come on let's eat".

we spent the rest of the morning eating, laying together looking at clouds, chasing eachother around the field i even made him a flower crown which i insisted he wore "anything to make you happy my love" he said while putting it on, i kew he secretly loved it. it was around 2pm when he suggested "let's go swimming" "but i don't have a bathing suit" i said confused as to why he suggest we'd do that. "who said we'd be wearing bathing suits?" "mr malfoy you are one dirty boy you know that" i giggled, he stood up and offered me a hand to help me up, we made our way to the black lake.

it wouldn't be the first time i saw draco naked and hopefully it won't be the last but i hadn't seen him naked since first year when he was...undeveloped. now you could certainly say he was developed. i stepped into the water which was the perfect temperature, draco was already splashing around "dray stop your gonna take my eye out you big brute" draco didn't reply, only ceased his splashing and stood staring at my breasts which were disappearing under the water as i moved further and deeper into the lake. "dray up here" "sorry love it's hard not to when they're so-" he made the shape of breasts with his hands while again staring "nice" he finally finished. i splashed him for the comment "oh youve stated it now babygirl" we started ferociously splashing eachother laughing out arses off in the process.

once out the lake it was around 3pm and we went back to my dorm for a nap, while lying on my bed cuddled up to dracos side one of our hands intertwined and the other on his chest and his on my hip, i spoke up "thank you for today dray i really needed it" i said peking his lips "anything for you buba" i smiled and snuggled into him slowly drifting off to sleep with the perfect boy beside me.

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