#11 - death eater (D.M)

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warnings: swearing
notes: im officially 16 <33

"get out the way" i sneered at the group of students huddled around the door to the abandoned boys bathroom on the third floor. being a prefect i was sent to see what had happened and resolve the situation, i originally thought some spell had gone wrong and turned someone into a toad and they were currently hiding in the bathroom hence the gathering of people (it's not as far fetched as it seems it's happened before). "fucking move you little certin" i said to the second year blocking the door, i sighed before reaching for the handle preparing myself for fixing an idiotic first years attempt of magic however just as i opened the door i was over whelmed with the sound of sobbing. "brilliant" i said not wanting to have to solve another "she said he said" situation. "we heard someone crying who is it are they a first year" a way too enthusiastic third year said, scoffing at her i peaked my head round the door making sure not to reveal who it was to the crowd so they don't get embarrassed.

i expected to see a first year crying on the floor however to my surprise i saw a very tall lanky figure bent over a sink sobbing their heart out, the tap running, legs shaking. the figure looked familiar, i looked at their hair, vibrant blonde, messy, very soft looking. shit it was draco. i closed the door and turned to the crowd "right of you go you little brats there's nothing to see here" i shouted, "b-but" a first year tried to protest "no buts, fuck off". the crowd disbursed, i could hear the mutters of the bitchy third years probably already staring rumours about what happened.

stepping back into the bathroom my heart shattered at the scene, draco malfoy one of my closest friends was gripping onto the sink for dear life while trembling, hyperventilating and muttering "no no no" over and over agian. i walked towards him "draco" i said softly trying not to startle him, he turned to me, his face stained with tears, i immediately wrapped my arms around him he had his head on my chest, my arms around his neck and shoulders. the feeling of my touch must have sent him over the edge as he dropped to the floor, i fell with him holding him close to me, his arms were wrapped tightly around my torso as i gently rocked him back and forth, stroking the nape of his neck.

after comforting him for a while his cries died down so i decide to ask what was wrong, "dray what's wrong" he looked up at me a glint of horror shone in his eyes he stayed silent for a while "get the fuck off me" he snapped pulling away and standing up. "whoa what?!" i asked also standing he turned away from me and put his hands on the back of his head as he paced around the room, "draco?" i asked very caustically not wanting to anger him, "fuck" he shouted before punching the side of a toilet cubicle. "DRACO STOP!" i yelled "FUCK YOU, Y-YOU HAVE NO IDEA Y/N YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA IN YOUR STUPID NIAVE BRAIN" he yelled "WELL IF YOU FUCKING TOLD ME"  i replied "UGHHH SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP" he screamed over and over again kicking the door of a cubicle each time he said it. i started shaking draco was scary when he was angry "DRACO STOP IT" i shouted moving closer to him, "DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO OKAY NO ONE FUCKING TELLS ME WHAT TO DO" he screamed in my face clenching his fists, a tear fell down my face as my breathing escalated i moved back, "draco stop you're scaring me" i said quietly. "OHHHHH IM SCARING YOU KNOW HUH?, OF COURSE I AM BECAUSE EVERYONES SCARED OF DRACO MALFOY OH LOOK OUT THERES MALFOY BE CAREFUL GUYS HELL HEX YOU, HES LUCUIS MALFOYS SON HES EVIL, OF COURSE EVERYONES SCARED OF THE BIG BAD DEATH EATHER" draco looked shocked at his own words, as if the real draco just snapped back in to his body, as if he realised he just told me his biggest secret, that he was a death eater. "w-what?" i said, disgusted, scared, confused, worried. "just stay the fuck away from me" he spat before leaving the bathroom.

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