#15 - gentleman (B.Z)

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warnings: tiny bit of swearing

"Y/N, Y/N WAIT!" blaise said jogging down the corridor trying to catch up with me, "yes blaise?" i said smiling, "i was just wondering if yanno if you want to, if you'd like to grab a drink some time?" he blaise pulling a face as if he was preparing for me to reject him "id love to" i replied beaming. "GREAT! um meet me outside the gryffindor common room tonight at let's say 7?" "that sounds great" i said "can i walk you to class?" "of course i have transfigurations" i said as we started to walk.

blaise and i had never been considered friends with me being in gryffindor and friends with the golden trio we were supposed to hate eachother, however we'd shared a few conversations about the useless bickering between my friend harry potter and his friend draco malfoy. we sort of bonded over our friends being dysfunctional. blaise was extremely attractive and everyone knew it that's why i was more than happy when he asked me on a date.

it was around 6:55 pm and i had just finished getting ready (you can decide what you wear), i strut down the hallway and into the common room "my god Y/N where have you been hiding those tits" seamus finnigan spoke up first "pick up your lip finnigan" i replied giving him a sarcastic smile. "where do you think your going dressed like that you're half naked" ron said "ronald!" hermione scolded. "you look great Y/N really really great" oliver wood said staring for a bit too long. "who knew cereal box mcgee had some curves" the twins spoke together "yeah you're hilarious boys but if you don't mind i'm late for my date" i put emphasis on the word date. "WHAT" the whole common room shouted harmoniously but it was too late i had already left and slammed the door. "Y/N GET BACK HERE!" i heard harry shout.

"wow you look incredible" blaise spoke already stood outside waiting for me "i mean you look gorgeous, arent i a lucky guy" he said while he stood and took in my body. "thank you, you look very handsome yourself" he smirked "i heard some shouting, everything okay?" blaise said putting his hand on my lower back and pointing forward indicating should walk that way, "yeah" i said "all the gryffindor boys have been like brothers to me since first year they're just a bit...protective that's all" i continued.

we reached the three broomsticks after a slow walk, blaise opened the door for me and showed me to a table "is this table okay?" he asked "anywhere would be okay if i was sat with you" i said, "smooth" he said "i'll get the drinks,
butterbeer?" he asked "please" i smiled.

there was no awkward tension between blaise and i, we got on so well. we understood eachother and had the same sense of humour plus he was such a gentleman, opening doors for me, buying me drinks and pulling out seats. he was perfect. "they spend that much time arguing anyone would think they like eachother" i said giggling, "that's exactly what me and adrian said" he replied chuckling "what would there ship name be?" i asked "DRARRY" we both exclaimed at the same time, we bust into fits of hysterical laughter.

at around 10:30pm we decided to hed back, blaise held the door open for me as he thanked the bar maid for her service, "you're such a gentleman, i like that" i said smiling at him. he blushed slightly "my mum raised me to be a gentleman" i giggled before shivering slightly "are you cold darling?" blaise said already taking off his jacket "slightly but it's fine i don't want you to be cold" "no no please, allow me" he said as he placed the jacket over my shoulders. "somehow you look even smaller" he said with a wild smile looking me up and down "oh shut up you helmet" i replied walking off "helmet? what the fuck does that mean?" he said while jogging after me.

blaise walked me to the gryffindor common room "i can come in with you if you want they won't say anything then?" blaise offered, "it's fine i'm a big girl i can handle them" i replied, he laughed. "i had a really good time tonight blaise, thank you" "me too love i'm so glad i finally asked you" he leaned down and used his finger to lift up my chin slightly as he placed a soft kiss to my lips "goodnight love" he said "goodnight blaise" i replied as i walked into the common room.

"OWWW MY HEAD YO-" ron squealed, "what was you doing behind the door" i asked "eavesdropping" the twins said in unison. harry, hermione, ron, fred, george, dean, seamus and oliver all had their ears pressed against the door listening to blaise say goodnight to me, however ron didn't move out the way in time hence the big red lump on his head. "well maybe if you didn't have your face on the door then you wouldn't be in pain ronnikins" i said sarcastically. "gOodNiGht LovE" ron mocked blaise. i gave him a sturn look which soon shut him up, "i want to know every detail" hermione squealed as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to our dorm.

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