#14 - girlfriend (F.W)

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blood-doesnt matter
notes: if you read my story's pls pls pls vote it really helps boost my book so more people can read it <333

i was walking back to my dorm after sneaking out to get food when i started to hear a faint sound, moving further down the hall it became louder. it was the sound of a piano. who ever was playing was incredible, the music itself sounded like heaven, it was so majestic and soft. who ever it was certainly was very skilled.

i started to walk up and down the corridor putting me ear to every door desperately trying to find where the sound was coming from. i turned a random corner and a door started appearing infront of my eyes, "the room of requirements" i whispered to myself. walking towards the door the music got louder filling my ears, it was beautiful and was pulling me in, the louder it got the more enticed i was. i reached for the door handle and turned it the door creaked slightly as i opened it but the music didn't falter. the room was messy and unorganised, full of; chairs, boxes, old instruments and spell books and over in the corner on its own, looking as if stuff had been moved out the way to create a path way towards it, stood a grand piano, sat at its stool was the person i was so desperately trying to find, to watch play, the mysterious pianist was fred weasley.

i was more than stunned to learn that the person who was capable of playing such incredible music was in fact fred weasely, i had never spoke to him before seen as he was a year above me but he had caught my eye in first year and ever since then he's not left my mind, i'd purposely look for him at dinner and "accidentally" bump into him in the corridors, he never took much notice of me however, only giving me a short "sorry" each time we crossed paths, it affected me knowing he didn't reciprocate my feelings for him but it's what you have to expect, he was mearly a silly little crush.

without me knowing my legs started to carry me closer and closer to him, somehow he hadn't noticed me he was probably too immersed in playing his music, before it was the music pulling me in now it was him. i stood in front of the piano finally catching his attention still not knowing why i decided to go and interrupted him. "oh um Y/N um hi" he stuttered as he stopped playing "how does he know my name" i thought to myself. "i'm sorry for interrupting you it's just- i heard you playing down the corridor and i couldn't help but find out who it was, y-you're incredible" i replied, "oh my- thank you" he said smiling "come here, sit" he said as he shuffled along the seat a bit allowing me to sit, as i sat next to him i was overwhelmed, he smelt amazing like smoke and wood. he started to show me some songs, i had played piano before i had lessons for about 9 months so luckily i wasn't terrible, he kept putting his hand over mind to re adjust my fingers to the correct key, each time i'd get butterflies. "well done Y/N you're amazing" he said beaming and side hugging me after i successfully played one song. "here let me show you a more complicated one". he began to play, oh my he was perfect who knew he held such talent, his fingers glided across each key and the music he was playing was beautiful, it's what i imagine entertaining heaven would sound like. his tongue stuck out slightly as he concentrated on what he was playing, i was mesmerised, he was so talented.

after some time of him trying to teach me a more complicated song he said "okay let me try it this way" his long arm reached around my body and he shuffled closer to me, now he had an arm on either side of me, i was engulfed by him as he was so much bigger than me, i was buried into his side. my face was incredibly close to his, my body was so incredibly close to his, i'd never been this close to him, i leaned up and pressed a soft delicate kiss below his ear, he turned so our lips were millimetres apart, his hands came of the piano, his right hand stroked across my back finally settling on my left hip and his left hand went to my right hip. he leaned forward and kissed me, his lips were soft and the kiss was full of love and want. i pulled away "wow" i said looking into his eyes "i'm sorry i shouldn't have sorry i should be teaching you no-" "fred it's fine i promise" i interrupted, he smiled and went back to teaching me.

for the next couple of months fred and i would meet up in the room of requirements were he would teach all sorts of songs, our newly formed friendship grew into a relationship and soon enough i was known as "fred weasleys girlfriend".

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