22. 𝘫𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘺, 𝘫𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘺

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May 10, 2021
12:30 am - 9:10 pm

[ Y/n ]

"Y/n, I have decided to challenge you in a new way."

I looked at Mabel and crossed my arms.


She nodded and I turned. A boy skated over and stopped next to me. I looked at him and then back at Mabel.

"No. I don't do pairs. You know that." I scoffed.

"Well no pairs no more Mabel. Get new coach."

I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw but sighed and turned to the boy. "Hi, I'm Y/n."

"Hi, I'm Ezra." I shook his hand and he smiled at me.

At least he seems nice.

.  .  .

Mabel left us together for some bonding after we trained together. He's a lower level so I have to skate down for him which I'm not particularly happy about but whatever.

"So, I was in the hospital for two months with a concussion and a shattered knee." Ezra laughed.

"Jesus how? From a salchow too! Come on." I joked with him.

"So... You know we have to have um... Chemistry on the ice."

"And it will be strictly on ice. I have a boyfriend." I finished for him.

"Oh god! No, no. I would never date my skating partner! I was going to say since you've never done pairs you've never done the trust and chemistry conditioning. It'll be funny to see a pairs virgin get their soul broken in for the first time."

"It's that bad?" I asked.

"Humiliating." He replied.

.  .  .

"It was nice meeting you, Ezra. I'll see you tomorrow at 5."

I waved to him and he waved back as I drove off. He doesn't seem as bad as I thought he would be. He's super nice and genuine.

And he's respectful and has his boundaries and priorities set.

Which is good because that just solidifies that Boris won't be jealous.

[ Boris ]

I set the table and tried to make it look all nice for Y/n.

She should be home any...

The door unlocked and I stood up, looking back at it.

It opened and Y/n walked in, running her fingers through her hair. "Y/n!" I ran to her and she opened her arms.

"I missed you bubba." She sighed.

I kissed her face and finished by pecking her lips.

"I miss you more." I replied.

She smiled and rubbed my cheek for a moment before her stomach growled.

"Good! Come. Dinner is ready."

She smiled and put her stuff away before coming to the table with me.

"Boris this looks great. Thank you."

I made her salad with taco meat. She likes that.

"Just... Anything for you."

We sat down and Y/n seemed to remember something. "Oh! Boris guess what?"

"I cannot guess."

"Mabel is making me do pair skating. So I met my partner today. His name-"

"It is boy?!" I looked up at her and she nodded.

"Yeah... His name is Ezra. He's super nice and he knows about you so he wouldn't even think about trying anything."

I nodded and looked back down at my plate.

Why am I feeling jealous?

Y/n suck my dick. She cuddles me at night. She moan my name. She loves me.

This is some random loser who she is just going to ice skate with... It is not like they will be fucking. They won't even kiss probably.

They better not kiss...

"-and we talked a lot about skating really. Other than that we just told like basic stuff about us. I showed him a picture of us and he said we look so cute together and I was like I know right!"

Y/n laughed and continued her food.

I laughed as well and nodded.

"True. We are very cute together." I muttered, trying to hide my anger and jealousy.

But I do not know why I am feeling this way!

It is bad.

I should not feel like this.

I bit my tongue and stared at the tacos on my plate.

She has never cheat before. We have real love. Real love. Like, movie love. She and I already promise to get married. She is my love and I am her love. She is like... My air and I need her to live.

But what if that other guy feels like that too?!

Who would not fall in love with her?!

She is pretty, funny, nice, talented- all good things!

I am just a shit bag Ukrainian with a dad who does not love him... She would be happy with-


I put my hand over my mouth and Y/n looked up at me.

"Are you ok? What happened?"

"Sorry... I am ok. Swear. Bit tongue is all..."

I could taste the blood in my mouth and sighed. "Sorry, моя любовь..."

"Why are you sorry? Don't be sorry, Boris. Would a kiss make it better?" She smiled and I grinned back, nodding.

Y/n nodded and came over, kissing my forehead.

God I love her so much... This stupid jealous feeling could make her leave so I just need to push it down and ignore it.

Be happy for Y/n.

That is the right thing to do.

Блядь - Fuck
моя любовь - My love

𝐃𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 ✦ 𝐏𝐚𝐯𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐯𝐬𝐤𝐲Where stories live. Discover now