Chp 9: Ruminate

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Warning: Sex is in the first part of this chapter, so skip it if that isn't your cup of tea.


Ian wakes up to the hairs on the back of Mickey's head tickling his nose and the feeling of his dick dragging across the back of Mickey's thighs. At first he thinks it might be a dream, because he doesn't even really remember falling asleep. All he remembers is sneaking into the house after pulling an all-nighter at the workshop at god-knows-o'clock and crawling into bed. The fact that Mickey barely moved was enough of a message about how exhausted his boyfriend must be. So Ian laid beside him and stared at the ceiling figuring sleep wouldn't come easily to him. But no, apparently he's missing time and he'd fallen asleep. Now, however, he's awake and he's sporting some pretty impressive morning wood considering his body and brain should be too exhausted to really give into that particular need.

Taking a deep breath, he inhales Mickey and lets the feeling of safety that comes with the moment wash over him.

The bed's comfortable, Mickey's warm, and his dick seems to like the attention it is getting when Ian shifts and it presses more firmly into his boyfriend's thighs. Sighing, he thinks maybe he should back off a bit. His hard-on, however, isn't on that train of thought. It's insistent, almost painfully so. It gets to the point where Ian doesn't even consciously roll his hips against Mickey's ass for more friction, his body just does it and he lets out a deep sigh. Mickey isn't particularly a morning person and he's clearly exhausted, so there is guilt over waking him up.

Ian overrides this when he realizes it is barely morning. He couldn't have gotten more than a couple hours of sleep. There is plenty of time to go back to sleep and wake up at a respectable hour.

But Mickey's so warm. He's so perfect. He always has been, even when they were out of joint. And the older man has been leaving Ian in complete awe. He's taking fathering Mikayla and maneuvering his way through this heavy hitting second pregnancy like a champ. He's been sick and exhausted and maybe that's why Ian's dick really seems interested in getting reacquainted with Mickey right now.

It's not like they've had no sex since figuring out they were pregnant with another baby. It's just that Ian could probably count it on his hands, and that's highly unusual for them. There is legitimately no blame being put on either of them for that. It's just a combination of being so busy and Mickey growing a human who is intent on making him sick all the time.

So, yeah. Ian misses Mickey.

Binding himself to the fact that Mickey's going to complain, Ian leans closer and presses several abbreviated kisses between Mickey's shoulder blades. He travels upwards, along his boyfriend's neck and behind his ear, letting each kiss linger for longer.

Mickey stirs slightly but he is still too blanketed by sleep to react any further.

A wave of want rushes through Ian and he pulls Mickey more firmly against his body, slotting their legs together. He's careful to wrap an arm around Mickey's middle, sliding up sweetly to the underside of his baby bump. The kisses start coming with lustful moans and his hips roll on their own accord. Mickey smells perfect, though Ian thinks he might be biased. It's just the way Mickey's started smelling more like the workshop – like he is ingrained into it. It's that his biological framework makes him smell like 'Mickey' and 'familiar' and 'safe' in a way that is always going to be perfect for Ian.

Sucking a kiss behind Mickey's ear, Ian appreciates everything in his boyfriend's makeup. He's been thrilled by him since he was practically a kid and it's mind-numbing to think that he still is. Probably more so now that he's watching Mickey carry their second kid. Running a hand down Mickey's body, he curls it around his hip. Even in sleep, Mickey shifts and opens for Ian. There is a part of Ian's brain that thinks Mickey would have put up more of a fight had he been awake but they both know it is all pretense. Still holding onto unconsciousness, Ian realizes Mickey's body is simply reacting to what it wants and they don't have to do the whole song and dance to get there.

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