Chp 15: Reason

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Mickey wonders if Ian can feel the areas he's currently staring at on his boyfriend's torso. He knows it's a foolish thought, but Mickey's been awake and running his eyes over Ian, who is still pulled into a deep sleep, for so long that he starts to think Ian must feel something.

Ian's laying sprawled out on his belly, arms up so he can fold them under the pillow. His face is turned towards Mickey, making it easy to observe the peaceful look of relaxation there. Mickey's happy to see the man's face slack, lacking any tension. Sleep will do that to people, but he's seen Ian wear his stress into the sleeping hours.

Mickey's glad Ian is still sleeping; he probably needs it after an emotionally taxing day of integrating back into their usual home routine. So Mickey's a makeshift sentinel, happy to sit up and watch him. It doesn't feel creepy, like he thought it might, because it comes from a place of protectiveness. It's not new, he's found himself on this end of their relationship before, but this time feels heavier.

Mickey can't sleep longer anyway. He's hit that point in his pregnancy where he's too uncomfortable and he has to pee too often. It leaves him biding his time by sitting upright in bed, blankets comfortably pooled around his swollen middle. He watches Ian and his heart tugs in the man's direction, hook bedded in deep, and Mickey doesn't stop himself from reaching a hand out to comb fingers through Ian's hair.

Ian doesn't wake, but his head gravitates closer to Mickey's hand, making Mickey's heart seize.

He looks so fragile.

Mickey knows well enough that he is and he isn't. They're both human and bruised, broken and put back together in places that make them stronger. But right now, Mickey feels like he would lay himself on the wire to keep this person - his person - safe.

This morning will be a perfect opportunity to check in with Ian and calibrate. Twisting to read the clock, he notices it's around the time Mikayla wakes up. Thankfully, she's been keeping to her sleep schedule like clockwork. Grabbing his phone, he texts Mandy, asking her to get Mikayla if she wakes up.

Thankfully, his sister is awake, responding with a thumbs up and winking emoji. He's equally thankful that Mikayla seems quite taken with Mandy, happily going to her whenever prompted. It's bittersweet to think that he's making damn sure his daughter has a sense of safety with her older relatives because he sure as hell never did. He wants her to have a relationship with them, Ian does too, so they have practiced having her say every single one of her aunt and uncle's names. Even his brothers, despite her mostly knowing them through photographs.

He clicks the baby monitor off; Mandy's close enough to hear any signs of Mikayla stirring. Settling on continuing to slowly run fingers through Ian's hair, Mickey watches him sleep. His locks have gotten longer but not in a bad way. Just in the messy, 'I've been busy living life' way.

Having Ian back in their bed feels comforting to say the least. Things are not exactly as they should be yet, but they are pointing in that direction.

Mickey wears his tension in a way that Ian can see straight through; he knows Ian's aware of how worried he's been over Ian's homecoming. There was a lot of pressure to prove to Ian that they had it all handled without him, but not handled enough that they could continue doing it without him. Everyone was burning the candle at both ends and Mickey is thankful for both that fact and the fact that they can have a reprieve.

Seeing the look on Ian's face when he saw the storefront was exactly what Mickey hoped it would be while also being a little of what he feared. Ian looked happy. He really did. But Mickey caught the sadness he knew would be there when Ian realized how much he missed. Mickey can't stop himself from snorting out loud at the thought.

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