Chp 26: Rectify

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Ian would bet money on the fact that Mikayla is being a manipulative little brat right now, only he can't prove it.

"Daddy, potty," she declares, pointing towards the bathroom.

His overachiever little princess has taken it upon herself to decide she's done with diapers and ready for potty training. Ian can't help but wonder if this is all part of Mikayla's plan to get attention. Either way, it is working on both accounts. She's a quick learner but she dilly dailies, keeping her parents as a captive audience.

"Are you sure? You just went potty." Ian gives her a skeptical look.

"Yes daddy!" Mikayla gives Ian a smile that is half pleading and half complete sugary sweetness. She jumps up and down and points to the bathroom again.

"Okay," Ian relents, putting down his pencil and abandoning his sketching once again. He takes Mikayla to the bathroom and helps her get situated on her training potty. Feeling like she has a captive audience, Mikayla does everything but use the actual potty. She starts listing all of the animals that live in the water. Then all the animals that live in the sky. Just when Ian is going to try to explain that birds and bats don't actually live in the sky, she gets really excited and sidetracks herself by telling Ian what bats eat. As endearing as it is to listen to her, it's clear that there was no potty emergency. "Mikayla, daddy has to do some work. So, maybe you don't have to go potty right now. And that's okay. You can let me know when you really do have to go potty."

Screwing her face tight in determination, Mikayla looks to be giving things her best effort but results in her slumping forward in defeat.

"Come on, baby." Ian says, reaching out a hand. Mikayla takes it and hops to her feet. For all of her insistence of wanting to do things herself, she doesn't even attempt to pull her potty training diaper back up, making it clear that Ian's original assumption was right.

They are at this weird standoff and Ian's not sure of the right move. He's sympathetic to her, but he also wants her to know that she can't always have her way just because she wants it. All in all, Mikayla is an easy toddler. She'll eat anything you give her, she does practically anything you ask her, and she's happy most of the time. The exception to those facts is when she sees Ava getting more attention than she is getting. Usually, it's easy for Ian to get work done while Mickey is out on a job. Mikayla entertains herself and he can take breaks to play with her. Now, his breaks are spent escorting her to the potty or tending to Ava. "You want lunch?" he asks, hoping the meal will keep her occupied for a while.

Nodding quickly, Mikayla leads the way towards the kitchen. "Peanut butter and jelly!"

"You're going to turn into peanut butter and jelly," Ian teases, hoisting her up to sit her butt down on the counter.

"Princess peanut butter and jelly," Mikayla sings with a laugh.

"I thought you were Princess Mikayla?" Ian exclaims in mock confusion. "If you really are peanut butter and jelly, I guess I'll just have to take a little taste." In an exaggerated motion, he playfully feigns biting at her neck. The action results in a peel of laughter from the child as she tries to bat him away. "Yum. Delicious. I'm gonna eat you for lunch."

"No, daddy! No!" Mikayla giggles so hard her words are interrupted by a hiccup. Sounds of happiness escape from her open mouthed smile and she tries fruitlessly to stop her father's relentless attack. "I not sandwich! I Mikayla!"

At that, Ian stops and pulls away. He cups Mikayla's cheeks in his hands and gets down to touch their noses together. "Oh, there you are." He knocks their foreheads together and savors the adorable expression on her face. When he pulls away, she's looking at him with such adoration and joy. It's enough to bring him to his knees. His tiny little powerhouse. "I almost ate you for lunch."

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