Chp 13: Rapport

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Jason is covered in sawdust when Mickey makes his way to the back of the warehouse. "Hey, man," he says to get his attention.

"Mickey, hey," Jason puts down the sander. "What are you doing here?" He lowers the mask, coughing once at the sawdust still floating in the air.

"Just checking in. I gotta do a job in the area." He surveys the room. "Wanted to check on how we're doing, inventory wise."

"I mean," Jason purses his lips into an exaggerated frown and shrugs. "Things are tight, but we're okay. Got some bigger jobs, which is actually good. It means I can spend all my time doing one thing that brings in a ton of money instead of pumping out small jobs."

"You got this? Because I don't want to put you out - "

"Nah, man. I've got this. We're good. But if the storefront does take off, hiring someone else might be a good idea down the line. Ya know, jus' food for thought." Jason smiles good humoredly and reaches for his bottle of water.

"Kinda figured that. I mean, Ian has a shit ton of family, I guess we could just keep hiring them." It's a joke but the moment it is out of Mickey's mouth he's shaking his head. "You know what? I'm not even gonna joke about that. The fact that I might have my sister around all the time is more than enough family in the picture."

"Yeah, well, Lip is leaving soon, right?" Jason asks.

"Yeah, two days I think."

"He seems like a nice guy. I mean, doing right by his brother - and you - an' everything." Jason wipes the heel of his hand across his forehead. "He's a good worker. Don't know shit about building furniture but seems smart enough."

That comment makes Mickey laugh. "He's a trainwreck sometimes," Mickey snorts, "but I'm not one to talk. We all fuck up. He's a good guy through, when his head is in the game. Never figured his life would play out this way, he was fucking smart in high school. He's got his own job back in Chicago - that's where the rest of Ian's family is. They're all kind of," Mickey knits his fingers together, "codependent or something."

"I'll be sad to see him go. The help was appreciated while he was here."

Mickey nods. Jason's right. It's been helpful having Lip around. And he thinks it's been good for both Ian and Mikayla as well. Having a physical reminder of family had more of an impact than Mickey would have predicted. Sharing a house with both Lip and Mandy isn't as weird as he thought it would be. It's nice having a safety net. And free babysitters.

"How's Ian doing?" Jason asks in genuine concern. "You told him I've been asking about him?"

"Yeah, man. Told him you're holding down the workshop. And he appreciates it." Mickey arches his back slightly so he can press his fingertips to work out a kink in his lower back. "But he's doing better, I think. I mean, it's hard to really tell. He looks good and sounds good. But time...I don't know. That's the real test." Mickey sighs. "It's not like there's a magic reset button or anything. Used to be ignorant enough to think wanting something better was enough to make it better."

"Haven't we all thought that?" Jason shakes his head in his own remembrance.

"Guess so." Mickey grabs his phone to check the time. "Hey, I have to head out. Jus' wanted to check in on you."

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks though." Jason nods. "This," he gestures towards the entirety of the warehouse, "is turning out to be one hell of a ride." He allows himself to get lost in laughter for a moment.

The words ring true for Mickey and he finds himself apologizing again, "I'm sorry you got roped into all of this."

"Would you shut the fuck up," Jason says, effectively silencing Mickey. "Ian and you saved my ass two years ago by giving me this job. The fact that I get to be part of something bigger? That's worth the blood, sweat and tears right?"

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