Chp 17: Reinvent

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WARNING: Graphic Birth, Difficult Birth, Blood, Medical realities but given a fictional mpreg twist
I am serious - I didn't shy away from the unpleasant and difficult parts. This isn't a pretty chapter, but only because birth isn't really that glamourous.


Mickey realizes that he's probably made more work for himself and Ian in his effort to check things off their to-do list. But, he found the bassinet behind every fucking thing they own. And if that means that the bassinet is now in their bedroom and every fucking thing they own is strewn around the place, then so be it. He doesn't have the energy to put anything away right now, and Mikayla lost interest in "helping" a long time ago.

"Come on baby girl," he calls to his daughter where she's started to snuggle up in a pile of old clothing. "You look like you could use a nap."

Mikayla shakes her head "no" but the giant yawn betrays her determination to be velcroed to Mickey. "I sleep in Bunny's bed?" She points towards the bassinet quickly before she raises her arms up towards Mickey.

"No. You sleep in your crib 'cause...'' he leans down to pick her up, despite this task getting more difficult. It tweaks his back but he succeeds in pulling her into his arms and presses a kiss to her forehead, "you're so damn big."

She's immediately exactly where she wants to be and throws her arms around Mickey's neck to nuzzle her head in the perfect Mikayla shaped space under his chin. "Tata?"

"Hmm?" He knows she'll keep up her monkey hold while he totes her towards her bedroom.

"You sleep in my bed?" Mikayla asks into Mickey's neck.

"Nah, can't do that either 'cause I'm too damn big." Kissing the top of her head, he keeps his voice light and teasing when he asks, "what's with all this, huh?" Mikayla's been completely fine sleeping pretty much anywhere , making him suspect her newfound clinginess is rolling over to these requests. "How 'bout I read you a story instead?"

The beauty of this deal is that Mickey knows Mikayla's barely going to keep her eyes open past two pages of any book - not that he usually minds reading to her. But right now, he's feeling uncomfortable in his skin, restless in a way that makes him jumpy while he's sitting to read to her. She's asleep in his arms in a matter of minutes, fingers clutching his shirt and snuggled warmly against his side. "Shit you're cute," he whispers when he looks at her and, despite feeling antsy mere seconds ago, he contemplates how uncomfortable it would be for them to both nap in the chair. It doesn't take long for him to figure out the answer when he gets a cramp in his middle and can't manage to shift enough to rid himself of it. Sighing, he sets about untangling Mikayla's limbs and fingers so he's able to safely deposit her in her crib.

Closing the door to Mikayla's room, Mickey makes his way to the bathroom. Digging though their stuff left him sweaty and feeling the discomfort of unsettled dust. He's definitely got enough time to himself now that Kayla's down for her nap - he'd love to sneak one in himself before she wakes - and figures he might as well shower before Ian's home.

It's weird to have the house to himself now that Mandy's off collecting her belongings for a few days. He's happy, and kind of surprised, that his sister found an apartment so quickly. But, Ian said it was a great deal, definitely the best out of all the ones they visited. So, why sleep on making an offer? Mandy's been dead set on being settled before the new baby comes and Mickey can't really blame her; why would she volunteer to be around a screaming newborn 24/7? Seems like a smart move to him.

Ian's supposed to be home soon and his boyfriend finding him in the shower doesn't sound like a bad idea. Though, if Mickey is being truthful, he feels too tired for anything more than a relaxing shower and vegetating on the couch. His body's achy and Mickey thinks maybe he overdid it earlier. Pulling his clothing off, he lets them drop in a pile as he steps into the shower with hopes that some warm water will dull the ache.

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