Chp 16: Respite

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Mickey wakes up to a pleasant feeling, something he hasn't experienced in the waking hours in quite a long time. It takes his brain a faction too long to put all the pieces together, leaving him sputtering as he shifts in the bed. "What the fuck?" he snips, the annoyance in his voice quickly changing to one of realization when he figures out Ian's hand is on his dick and working him too full hardness. "Ohh..." he breathes out as it dawns on him, then repeats the sound in the form of a whispered moan.

"Yeah," Ian chuckles. "That's more of the reaction I was hoping for." He grins at Mickey and strokes his boyfriend more thoroughly. Mickey's dick twitches in his palm. "Was hoping for that reaction too."

"Mmmm," Mickey mumbles, closing his eyes and stretching his limbs the best he can. The days when he's been able to sleep on his stomach or back are long gone, so he's on his side, his pregnant middle making it hard to get much closer to Ian. He moves his leg a fraction, allowing Ian's hand to fully stroke him. "That feels good."

"Kinda the point." Ian dips his head so he can press a kiss to Mickey's shoulder. He drags the kisses along Mickey's collar bone, mumbling his words into the man's skin. "Was trying to figure out how to wake you up with a blow job, but all this," he waves an all encompassing hand over Mickey's middle to indicate the difficulty created from Mickey's positioning and his belly, "wasn't giving me a feasible way of doing so."

Mickey quirks an eyebrow and moans low in his throat. "Oh, I like that idea." He tries to move, but Ian was right, his middle is a hindrance. Groaning, but not in the way he prefers to, Mickey snorts out, "fuck."

"It's okay," Ian whispers, kissing the curve of Mickey's jaw. "I can definitely get you off this way." To prove his point, he expertly twists his fist and swipes a thumb over the head of Mickey's dick. "Just figured it was tradition to wake you up with a blow job."

"Tradition?" Mickey furrows his brows and pulls back to give Ian a questioning look.

"Yeah. One year ago I woke you up with a blow job because our daughter turned one. Today she's two."

The look on Ian's face silences Mickey. Sure, his boyfriend's hand is currently on his dick, signaling Mickey's brain that it should be having naughty thoughts, but something short circuits when he looks at Ian. Ian's eyes are doing that love drunk thing. That thing Mickey's seen them do many times before. It makes Mickey's heart stutter and then flip in his chest, a new wave of emotion coursing through him. "Sap," Mickey teases.

Ian presses closer, his body heat radiating through Mickey's side. "She's two, Mick."

"I know," Mickey breathes out because he will never forget what May 10th means but even he is floored by the fact that they've arrived at this milestone. It does messed up fuzzy things to his brain, making focusing on what Ian's hand is doing a much easier feeling to tackle. "If I recall, you did a lot more than just blow me."

Mickey's words trip Ian up, and he wets his lips uncomfortably. "Yeah, um," Ian starts, his hand stilling on Mickey's dick. "Not sure if I'm up to doing those other things right now," he breathes out.

Thankfully, Mickey's a lot quicker about picking up on those words. "Ohh," he brings his own hand down to reach Ian's, not removing it from his dick but seconding Ian's decision to pause things. "Hey, we don't have to or anything."

"I want to," Ian says in earnest. "I wouldn't have started something I wasn't interested in doing. I just can't do the other parts. But I like making you feel good and I love seeing you feel good."

"Yeah, but we can stop..." Mickey cuts himself off, realizing he's on the front end of starting to coddle Ian, which never does them any good. So, instead, he trusts his boyfriend's words for what they are and leaves them at that. "Then we have a tradition to uphold. And if you wanna blow me, I'm not gonna stop you. But you're gonna need to help me sit up."

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