Chp 28: Epilogue

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Ian's trying to wrangle his toddler, he really is, but Mikayla is being exceedingly evasive. "Kayla, baby, you gotta sit down."

"No." Mikayla pouts, ducking under the table to avoid Ian's reach. "Tata do it."

Ian can't really fault her, his daughter has a point. Mickey is way better at getting her hair into pigtails without yanking on it too much or having to redo them several times before getting them even. Though he tries to be as gentle as he can, Ian knows he's pulled out a few too many strands of her hair. "Okay, baby. Tato can do it. But you gotta come out here so we can put your pretty dress on."

That does the trick. Mikayla immediately scrambles out from her hiding place and runs towards her room. She can't reach where her dress is hung on the back of the door, but she tries jumping anyway.

Ian laughs at the sight, running a hand through his still shower damp hair. He knows he should be getting dressed, it's his wedding, but somehow, Mikayla seems like the more important focus. The sheer fact that she exists on this planet has a lot to do with why he's found himself falling deeper in love with Mickey. She opened new pathways for them to love each other. "Okay, princess, hold on a second." He reaches for the dress and slips it off its hanger. It is a confection of lace and puff. It's sweet enough to give him cavities and he really shouldn't have been as surprised as he was when Mandy walked in the door with it after having taken Mikayla dress shopping for her "super special wedding day dress." To Ian, it looks itchy, but to Mikayla? It's the perfect princess dress. Most of it isn't surprising, but the color is. It's light pink with oddly delicate looking strawberry adornments. Mikayla actually tends to be attracted to bolder colors, not the stereotypical lilacs and baby pinks Ian finds most girl clothing in. But this? This is a whole new level. Regardless, Mikayla loves it. "Hands up," he directs and Mikayla lifts her hands towards the ceiling at the request. Thankfully, the dress goes on smoothly and she spins obediently so Ian can zip up the back.

Enthralled with the layers, Mikayla pulls the hem of the dress upward and lets it flutter back into place in delight. "Pretty!"

"Very pretty. You look perfect baby." Ian smiles at her, leaning against the wall to watch her spin in circles fast enough for the dress to flare out. "Careful, you're gonna make yourself dizzy." His warning is a fraction too late because Mikayla wobbles and falls, bursting into a fit of laughter. "Silly," he breathes out as he taps her nose.

"What's all this laughing going on? I thought you guys were getting dressed," Mickey gripes, walking into the room with a towel slung around his waist. He has Ava in his arms, the child wrapped in a hooded towel and shoving the corner of it into her mouth.

"I thought you were giving Ava a bath," Ian says, running his eyes over Mickey's obviously freshly showered form. He gives a Cheshire grin to let the man know he likes what he sees.

"Yeah, so did I. Bunny had other plans. Figured, since I was already halfway to showered by the time we were done, might as well finish the job." Mickey raises an eyebrow at his youngest daughter. Ava looks back at him with a glare, like she knows he's talking about her. The towel drops from where she was chewing on it, and her lips become a pout.

As cute as the little staring contest is, Ian interjects. "Come here pipsqueak." He plucks Ava from Mickey's hold and she quickly molds herself against his chest. The hood of the towel slips off her head, revealing messy tufts of black hair. She makes a happy babbling sound and Ian can't help but press a kiss to her head. "How about I get this one dressed while you finish her hair?"

"Fair." Mickey yanks at Ian's shirt collar and kisses him quickly. He makes a noise of appreciation and goes back in for a longer kiss. "Doting dad looks good on you."

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