Chapter 26 - Attention Classmates!

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After walking out of the locker room, you felt slightly exposed as you had decided to ditch the cloak, but it ultimately served no purpose in training.

The class went well, everyone trained their quirks and did sparring matches, you did a few with Katsuki and Tokoyami.

After training and showering in the locker rooms, you waited for Katsuki to walk back to class, and yet again, the entire class simply stared at you.

Once you sat down and Aizawa announced a free period right after telling you about the sports festival, you could feel Shouto staring at you, but you looked down at your desk, doodling in a notebook silently.

A pair of shoes entered your peripheral vision and you looked up to see the red-haired boy your friend was crushing on.

"Hey! U-Um L/n-chan! Do you think we can talk in the hallway?" he asked nervously, fidgeting slightly.

You nodded and followed him out, and Katsuki stared bullets at you as a silent warning not to say anything, not that you would anyway.

"What's up, Kirishima?" you asked just as the class door shut.

"Well," he started, not meeting your eyes, "I wanted to ask about you and Bakugo, see there's kind of a little rumor that you guys are together and that you slept together and all and the thing is I kind of like him- a-ah! you didn't need to know that I'm sorry"

Your eyes widened, and it all finally clicked in your head, you gently grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back into the room, where everyone fell silent.

Walking up to the teacher podium you cleared your throat and began the public service announcement.

"Attention classmates! you have seen me and Kats, Katsuki, The angry blonde pomeranian over there that looks like he's about to pounce on me any second now, what can be described as canoodling, but allow me to set the record straight" you started

You slammed your hands on the podium for effect "Me and sparky over there have no romantic connection, he simply tolerates me because I'm near his skill level and he absolutely adores having me around even if he doesn't admit it, and I annoy him to no end in return, but also we had a sleepover since I wanted to avoid my issues and I had to use his body wash which is disgustingly strong, that is all! So, uh, yeah no more rumors please" you said.

The class stared forward wide-eyed, and Kirishima blushed immensely, before speaking up, "well, that's a way to stop a rumor, we're sorry y/n" he said.

Murmurs echoed the apology throughout the classroom, and you smiled and sat down at your seat.

The class began to burst out in laughter and Kirishima stood near your desk, you stood and whispered in his ear, "you should ask him out" making blood rush to his face and make it match his hair.

You paused when you noticed Shoto had been standing at the doorway, and he walked in and sat down, and it wasn't long before Aizawa walked in and started the last class of the day.

Looking down at your desk, thoughts began to swirl in your head, had he just heard everything? how long had he been standing there? and where were you gonna go after school?

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