Chapter 46 - Hosu City

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Quirk training was the most fun, you convinced Hawks to let you use his quirk, and along with the beautiful crimson wings that spread behind you, you got a sharp sense of hearing and sight and an intuition that just further told you something was wrong.

After finishing with intelligence around 10 that morning, you were eager to get your phone back. when you met with Hawks for patrol, you gave large puppy eyes.

He tossed your phone to you, "Go ahead and look through it for a few minutes"

When you powered it on you saw a million notifications and messages, 'Hero killer caught!' 'Endeavor along with others fight mysterious creature in Hosu city!'

There was a long thread of messages from Shoto, and your eyes filled with tears.


'Y/n, there's a problem in Hosu city'

'I need you here NOW *location sent*'

'There's so many injuries

'Y/n, I love you, they're taking me to Hosu general hospital. I love you'

You screamed, and Hawks jumped, his feathers puffing up. Before he could ask what was going on, you broke out into a sprint, dialing Shoto's phone. No answer. You dialed again and again before Hawks caught up to you, tackling you down and frantically asking what was going on.

Your phone fell out of your hand, "H-Hosu! Hosu city, I need to be there, NOW!"

Hawks took your phone and read the messages, "Shit. Come on, I'll get you there"

He grabbed onto you and you felt almost limp in his arms from the shock, an hour flight later you were standing in front of Hosu General Hospital.

You tried to run forward but immediately fell, Hawks catching you right before you did so you could adjust your legs to the solid ground, after which you broke into a sprint into the front desk, frantically asking where Shoto was, flashing the plain silver engagement ring you wore during training.

Your footsteps boomed down the hall and you swung the door open, interrupting a conversation between Iida, Midoriya, and Shoto. You ran forward and collapsed into his arms, sobbing and shaking mess. You started to hit his chest,

"Don't turn your goddamn phone off when you message me something like that Shoto! I thought something bad happened! I thought you were"

By now the room was empty, and you sat on the ground sobbing into his chest, "Y/n, Y/n, I'm okay, I'm perfectly fine, please, look at me"

It pained Shoto to see your eyes so red and puffy, and he kissed you as hard as he could, a proof that he was there, he was okay. It took over ten minutes for you to calm down, as Iida and Midoriya came in and explained the situation, which you couldn't tell to anyone else.

You were so tired of keeping secrets.

The rest of the day you stayed with Shoto, unable to leave his side, holding onto his arm like you'd never see him again if you let go. This was before you were forced to come back with Hawks and finish your internship.

When you entered Hawks' house, you finally turned to face him, bowing your head, "I'm sorry, for the way I acted. It was unprofessional and I know secret agents can't have these relationships, but he's all that I have. If you want to consider someone else for the program I understand."

He let out a heavy sigh, "Kid, you're right, you're not supposed to have these kinds of relationships. This job is a hard one, especially for loved ones. But you and that kid, you guys have something that other people can only dream of," he paused,

"Besides, you're the only conceivable person I would consider for this. So if you want to continue, training starts at six tomorrow, if not, just stay in bed and head out to the office when you're ready. they'll tell you what you can do in the meantime."

You looked back up at him, "Like hell I'd quit now after your agents put me through the wringer like that? It's gonna take a lot more to get me to quit"

Hawks let out a genuine laugh, "Alright Kid, go to bed, we can start at Seven tomorrow instead,"

"I don't need special treatment. I'll be down at five-thirty sharp, goodnight Hawks," you said, heading to your room.

"That kid..."


The rest of the internship was tough, but you could feel yourself improving every day, you were picking things up, you could hold quirks for longer, and even your weapons felt lighter in your hands. So at the end of the internship, when Hawks dropped you off at your home Sunday night, you made the official decision to continue to help take down the League Of Villains.

"I want to continue, I'll help you take them down, as long as I have your training," you said confidently.

"Jeez kid, you're gonna make me tear up" Hawks ruffled your hair, before handing you a feather, "Use this whenever you need anything, keep it with you at all times, I'll see you soon"

A sense of accomplishment and excitement filled you as you watched him fly off into the night. You turned around and unlocked the door. Stepping in to see the lights off, you knew Shoto wouldn't be home until tomorrow, so you fell asleep peacefully on his bed. The next morning, you went out to buy things to prepare something special for Shoto's arrival. You hadn't had the chance to talk to him at all for the rest of the week, so you were dying to see him. You made cold soba and a large strawberry shortcake, decorated with strawberries and white frosting.

The door finally opened around three, revealing Shoto holding a few bags, you held out the cake, "surprise!"

You put the cake on the counter quickly as Shoto ran toward you, picking you up and kissing you passionately.

"Sho!" you yelled, peppering kisses all over his face.

Shoto buried his face into your neck and hugged you as tight as possible, "I missed you, so much" his voice shook, and you felt tears soak into your shirt.

The hug lasted for over half an hour, Shoto held you like he never wanted to let you go, and you let him, because you never wanted to let him go either.

As you ate, you realized it was time to let him know about the internship, so you sat him down on the couch, holding his hand tight.

"Sho, I accepted an offer for an internship," you said gently

His eyes snapped to meet yours, "What?"

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