Chapter 34 - Like you?

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You could hear the loud screams and announcements from the end of the tunnel.

"Let me hear you scream as the students make their way to the main stage!" present mic yelled out.

That was the cue to walk out, you shared a nod with shoto and held your head high as you walked forward with a cold demeanor.

The crowed cheered loudly as fireworks exploded in the background as present mic introduced the already infamous first year class.

Small whispers from your classmates filled the silence in your group, lamenting about how many people there were and how odd it was. You and shoto were the only ones unfazed, you'd spent your entire lives in the spotlight after all.

They introduced the rest of the classes in the first year and Midnight began her speech. you couldn't help but stare at the costume she wore. she called up Katsuki for the introductory speech, which was cut short as he announced that he planned to win. You weren't surprised at all but still shook your head and put your head in your hands.

Right when he came down and got covered by the rest of the class, you smacked the back of his head with enough force to make him stumble forward.

Then Midnight began the announcement for the obstacle race, as well as the rules and specifics. you breathed out and calmed your nerves.

Right as the challenge began, people began to push and shove their way through. Shoto grabbed your wrist and stayed back for a second.

"This is the first obstacle, let's get an advantage already" he said, using his quirk to stick multiple people down to the ground.

Both of you skated past hand in hand, and you felt tears prick your eyes knowing that this was Shoto again not seeing you as competition.

A few students began to yell as they ran to catch up, "I didn't expect so many people to dodge that.."

"Especially from the other classes, we've got our work cut out for us" you sighed, just as Mineta came up behind you both, only to be slammed away by a robot, the zero point robots from the entrance exams.

"Shit. I guess these are the ones we've been hearing about, how are we doing this Sho?" you asked.

He tapped your hand, "Put some ice on your feet and stand back, these aren't difficult for people like us."

You growled, "like us, or like you?"

He ignored you and launched another attack, freezing the the bot in place almost instantly. you both began running under it, and the feeling of embarrassment and anger was rising with each passing second.

You heard the robots begin to fall and stopped, looking back in horror.

Deciding to do something, you started to sprint back in hopes you could cut some of the pieces sop they'd be easier to dodge, but Shoto took hold of your collar and kept running.

"You did that on purpose! You asshole, someone could get hurt!" you yelled.

You were quickly back on your feet as the announcers praised Shoto for his strategy and for helping you get through.

Once reaching the red stairs, and passing the fall, Katsuki was hot on your trail.

The minefield was unexpected. You were forced to slow down, but Katsuki charged forward, yelling at Shoto for declaring war to Midorya instead of him. Shoto ignored you and focused on fighting Katsuki, neither of them spared you a glance.

All of a sudden you saw Midorya flying toward you, and you knew that this was your chance.

If Shoto didn't want to take you seriously, you'd make him take you seriously.

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