Chapter 53 - Showing Off

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The whole class got riled up as people started to pair up, and soon enough, you and Shoto were in a fierce battle with Mina and Izuku.

"You're holding back!" she whined, "No fair!"

"Alright!" you said happily, as you used all the strength you could muster to push against Mina's hands, causing her to quickly fall back, effectively diving back into the water along with Izuku and solidifying your victory.

You pumped your fist in the air, "Victory is mine!"

Under you, Shoto began moving backward and leaning back, "Sho stop I'm gonna fall-"


Despite your state of shock, you shot out of the water to find Shoto looking at you before covering his mouth and chuckling. The entire class watched in awe even as you chased Shoto around the pool area.

"Those two bring out the best in each other, ribbit," Tsu said

"Pff whatever" Denki groaned, "They're too lovey-dovey for their own good"

"Ribbit, You're jealous because you can't get girls to look your way, Kaminari" Tsu pointed out,



After a few more shenanigans, the boys decided to have one final race, Shoto, Katsuki, and Izuku were lined up at the start.

"Woo! Go Sho! And Pom...and Izuku!" you shouted,

"We all know who you really want to win" Toru groaned,

"I know, but I've gotta be fair"

Just as the anticipation was building, Aizawa materialized out of thin air and kicked everyone out, and everyone walked to the locker rooms, shoulders slumped in disappointment.

"So unfair" Uraraka sighed,

While you were changing, Mina changed the conversation, "So, Y/n, where the heck did that crazy strength come from? have you been training without us?!"

"Now that you mention it, Y/n, your muscles look far more defined," Yayorozu said,

Tsuyu agreed, "We knew you were strong, but you knocked Mina and Midoriya over like nothing, ribbit"

You became flustered at the sudden attention, "Maybe I have- I work out sometimes when I'm stressed over studying, it helps a lot"

"Uh oh," Toru laughed, "Y/n has been doing mystery training~"

Your mind was frantically trying to make up some kind of excuse when Yayorozu happened to present one, "Could it be you're trying to be like Mirko? The bunny hero?"

You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled sheepishly, "I might have found some interviews about her workout routine, but can you blame me?"

"Y/n, I didn't think of you as a fangirl, ribbit" Tsu mentioned as the girls walked out of the locker room to meet up with the guys.

Izuku immediately perked up at the mention, "She's a fangirl? for who? Is it All-Might??"

"Ugh, no" you groaned,

"She's a fangirl for Mirko, ribbit" Tsu clarified.

This made your face burn, "I-I'm not! I just think she's badass, who wouldn't want to look like a hero they look up to?"

The class agreed and you let your shoulders relax, letting out a breath before locking eyes with a certain red-eyed blonde, who raised an eyebrow.

You quickly averted your eyes and shifted uncomfortably, mentally kicking yourself for looking even more suspicious to him, but unbeknownst to you, another person was watching your encounter.


It was finally the day you were set to leave for the training camp, and your stomach was in knots. By the time you managed to roll out of bed and take a shower, Shoto was already making breakfast.

"What's going on, love? You were tossing and turning all night, did you get any sleep?" He said

You sighed, "I'm just nervous, about the training camp, it's nothing"

Shoto hummed in response as you sat down to eat.

The speech from your teacher and the little outburst from class 1-B was enough to slightly get your mind off of things, and you tried to focus on the excited vibe from your class as they fooled around on the bus despite Aizawa trying to get them to settle down.

You finally arrived at a desolate "rest area" later that morning, and you noticed that Aizawa looked slightly more exhausted than usual as you heard a voice call out to him from the black car parked near the bus.

The introduction of the wild, wild pussycats was interrupted by Izuku calling them a "veteran" team, and you couldn't help but notice an angry-looking little boy standing near them.

Mandalay explained what the challenge for the morning would be, and before any of your classmates could make it back to the bus, Pixie-bob quickly sent everyone flying over the railing and to the dense forest below. You hadn't even gotten the chance to dust yourself off before Mineta encountered the first monster, and suddenly, the challenge had gotten real.

It wasn't hard to figure out that the monsters weren't organic, meaning Koda couldn't help with his quirk. Shoto, Izuku, and Katsuki managed to take down the monster with relative ease, and you caught up to Shoto afterward.

"Little excessive for just one monster, don't you think?" You giggled

His lips twitched ever so slightly into a small smirk, "maybe I wanted to show off"

The whole class quickly got riled up to defeat the monsters, and most importantly, make it in time for lunch.

It was interesting to see how everyone's quirks worked together, naturally, you stuck with Shoto and Katsuki, managing to take down a monster quickly.


Despite your best efforts, the entire class made it back as the sun was setting, with each person beat down and exhausted, you and Shoto held onto each other for support as you walked, and the teachers bragged that they would have made it in three hours, but they were still surprised it hadn't taken you longer.

"You guys are great!" Mandalay exclaimed, "Especially..."

She pointed at Iida, Katsuki, Izuku, and Shoto, "You four! I'm looking forward to seeing where you'll be in three years!! I call dibs!!"

Adrenaline rushed through your veins and you dragged Shoto away, leaving the other three for dead, "Respectfully! take the rest of them! this one is mine!"

"No one's takin' me anywhere!" Katsuki growled before Izuku interrupted to ask about the child you saw earlier.

"Oh!" Pixie-bob said, "He's not one of ours, he's my cousin's kid! Come on Kota, greet everyone"

In his typical everyone-wants-to-be-my-friend way, Izuku walked up to the kid and introduced himself, only to receive a punch in between the legs, you covered your mouth to suppress the instinctual laugh from coming out.

Kota said he didn't want to hang around people who wanted to become heroes, and his attitude made you glance over at Katsuki, who wore a proud smile on his face.

"Isn't he kind of like you?" Shoto asked,

Katsuki growled, "What? Of course not!"

You laughed, "I guess there's a Pom in every generation"

"Shaddup, stupid armory!!" 

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