Chapter 49 - Undercover

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After you left, Hawks pulled you into a large black car which drove you to another building. Hawks had been serious throughout this entire process, almost stoic, it surprised you do not hear any snarky remarks or jokes, but you mirrored his actions.

When the car pulled up to the training building, you realized just how much of a secret it was. it looked like a small, two-story building in disrepair, yet the inside was pristine, shades of grey covered the inside and every wall looked to be made of steel. The underground part was the same, and Hawks introduced you to the trainers there, some of which you recognized from the previous training, and you changed before getting ready to start.

The training was brutal, even more, so than school or lessons with your father, every muscle in your body felt exhausted and ached, even so, the trainers seemed pleased with your progress. They eventually let you go home and you caught the last train which arrived in your neighborhood at around ten o'clock.

Shoto hadn't noticed that you'd come home until he heard soft crying coming from your room, he jumped out of his desk and opened your door, only to find you reading over one of your textbooks, which had become soaked with tears of frustration.

He quickly wrapped his arms around you, taking the pencil from your trembling hand and holding you tighter, he didn't say anything, and neither did you.

"I'll go get my things, then we can get started, okay?" he asked, and you nodded

Shoto knew about your studying, you sometimes lost focus and would get so caught up in trying to understand the subject that you'd read it over and over until you frustrated yourself to the point of tears. You knew you were smart, but you overdid it sometimes, and your brain would often lose focus.

For the longest time, you thought it meant something was wrong with you, Shoto never had that issue, he could study for as long as he needed to. But he always assured you that some people learn differently, and you found that studying together helped you retain the material and helped Shoto practice it. He stayed up with you until one in the morning, helping you study before you both passed out on your bed.


The next few days were grueling, between your internship and studying you barely had any time to yourself, and Sunday was spent with Shoto and his mother, trying to relax as much as possible.

It wasn't until you were on your way to the train station after school that you noticed something different, a black car pulled up behind you and Hawks was inside, you slid in next to him and waited for him to explain, but he didn't.

You sat in a room with Hawks at the headquarters as a few men you didn't recognize walked in.

"Y/n L/n, you'll be going undercover with Hawks today for the first time. There's a meeting at the LOV hideout where Hawks will introduce you, you will follow his lead and do nothing to arouse suspicion. The information and background packet you memorized contains everything you'll need to know, and your outfit is in your locker. you've got ten minutes to change and Hawks will meet you out front. that is all." He explained quickly, before hurrying you to a locker room.

You had to hold onto the wall once inside to keep your legs from shaking. It was one thing to attend training, to memorize the information and go over different scenarios but now you were living it, and there was no going back.

The outfit they gave you were simple street clothes, a white halter top, and a black pleated skirt along with black thigh highs and white shoes with red laces. You picked them out yourself, a small reminder of the person you had to come home to.

Hawks pulled up outside the building in a black dodge hellcat, a sleek, American-made car that made you raise an eyebrow, "How exactly is an American car supposed to blend in?" you asked.

"I mean...It's cool though?" Hawks grinned, you rolled your eyes before getting in, "Don't be jealous kid, once you get your license the commission will give you your own car, you'll get a motorcycle before that"

You froze, a car? motorcycle? you couldn't get your license until eighteen, you couldn't drive a motorcycle until sixteen! Were you really going to be doing this for so long? You looked over at Hawks in a slight panic.

"Hey Hey, I didn't mean.." he sighed, "as far as I know, you won't be here that long, I was just messing with you"

The statement made you relax a bit, but the thoughts still swirled in your head.

Hawks parked the car behind some abandoned buildings, and looked over at you, "I'll be with you the whole time, let me do the talking, alright?"

You nodded.

Hawks stepped out of the car and opened the door for you, you got out and walked behind him with a stoic expression.

A run-down bar stared back at you, and hawks looked around before knocking on the door. A creature made of purple smoke with intense yellow eyes opened the door, and you immediately recognized him.

You shut down your emotions as you walked in behind hawks, and your heart rate quickened slightly with the sound of the door shutting behind you. A room of people stared back at you.

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