Chapter 37 - Second Place

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A while after the break was announced, you and the girls went to the locker room to change, but you were intent on talking to Shoto first, which wasn't a problem since he followed you from the field back inside. You led him to an empty prep room.

"Sho- I overheard your conversation with Midorya, I know how hard endeavor has been pushing you, but I can't say I'm sorry. This is my competition as much as it is yours, and I don't have any plans on faltering either," you said confidently.

"I know that! I was an idiot for underestimating you. I'm sorry. I truly am very proud of you, y/n, there's no way id ever be mad that my fiancée beat me, it just shows that both of us together are leagues above the rest." He smiled slightly.

He opened his arms and you threw yourself into a tight hug, "I should go get changed out of this stupid thing-" you began.

Shoto interrupted you with a heated kiss, his hands wandered up and down your exposed waist, before traveling down to your thighs and picking them up, making you feel fire everywhere he touched.

You felt the cold wall on your back and responded with a shiver while you ran your hands through his hair.

After the announcement saying it was almost time for the battles to start, you were forced to disconnect and you ran to the locker room to get dressed.

Mina was finishing up when you ran in, flustered and red-faced, she immediately looked over at you.

"Girl what happened to you?" she yelled in both excitement and worry

Embarrassment ran up your neck and colored your face red, "n-nothing! I just ran here" you excused as you started to open your locker.

Mina leaned against her locker with her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed with a smirk, "right, and I'm sure that you weren't with Todoroki-Kun when he ran out of the prep room right?"

The slam of the locker startled you before you realized it was your own, "isn't it getting late? the next match is gonna start soon!" you said a little louder than you indented.

She started laughing but eventually left to let you get dressed in peace.

Midorya angrily replied to Shinso, and you groaned, the first battle seemed to be decided.

"I warned him not to say anything!" Ojiro groaned,

The guilt made its way into your system again, and you tapped his shoulder, "Hey, Ojiro-kun, I'm sorry for what happened during the second round" you apologized.

He nodded, "It's okay L/n, you took a chance while it was there, it's not like it was your idea and besides, this is a competition in the end. I won't take anything personally."

This relaxed you a little, and you continued to watch the match closely. Almost not being able to believe your eyes when Midorya suddenly managed to break his fingers, snapping him back into reality and sending a large windstorm into the entire arena.

Midorya hesitated, but his resilience was unwavering and despite the words from Shinso and the multiple blows he was landing, he managed to throw him over his shoulder and out of the boundary. you almost felt bad, but not as much thinking about what he pulled earlier.

You sat with Shoto in the waiting room which wasn't technically allowed, yet here you were. As soon as you both began walking towards the field, a familiar presence lit up the end of the hallway.

Goosebumps made their way through your body, but any fear you felt quickly melted into unwavering anger.

"Endeavor" you glared.

"You're acting disgracefully Shoto," he began, looking over at you, "Y/n. this is between me and my son, go ahead and leave us alone for a second."

You damn near wanted to charge at him, but you instead stood your ground, "In your dreams. I'm not going anywhere"

He ignored you and focused back on Shoto while you both walked past him. Telling him that he should have used his left side, going on his tangents about him winning an overwhelming victory like always, though it pissed you off when he mentioned Shoto's siblings.

"Is that all you have to say to me, you bastard?" he insulted, "I'll win this match and advance using only Mom's quirk, I refuse to let you have the pleasure of seeing me use yours."

You silently agreed, but endeavor continued. "You will soon find the limits of that power, but go ahead and keep playing around until you do"

Your blood boiled over and you spun on your heel, "You know what you useless hero?! Whether or not Shoto uses this power, it'll be all his own! His mother is more powerful than you could hope to be and if he wants to stick with it then he will!"

Shoto tried telling you it wasn't worth it, but you no longer could stay silent.

"Go ahead and say what you want! it doesn't change the fact that you're a worthless, pathetic man who can never beat All-Might! you might as well go join his Fan-club since you'll keep obsessing over him until the happy day where those stupid flames finally go out for good! Until then, stop bothering us, second place" You finished, turning on your heel and stomping back down the hall.

After leaving his sight, your fight reflex left your body and you started to tremble badly, "Ohhh my god, I just did that! And I meant every word! you've got this Shoto! you use whatever power you want to because you're going to win!"

He kissed your forehead and smiled slightly, "I love you so much, It's time for me to prove that old man wrong."

You stopped at the top of the stairs and smiled after him, "You've got this Shoto! I love you!"

The crowd around you began to shout a collective, "aww" and you blushed beet red.

Shoto was up against the cute dark-haired boy in your class, and even though he killed it with a strong start, you knew considering how pissed Shoto was, there wasn't much of a chance.

As quickly as it began, the fight was over and everyone was frozen still, the gigantic ice bolder covered over half of the arena, and you felt horrible for Sero and chanted nice try along with everyone else, and Shoto began to melt Sero out of the ice.

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