Chapter 29 - Never angry

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His erratic heartbeat boomed against your ear, and his arms tightened around you as the train jerked on the path, if this had been before the confession, you wondered if he would have grabbed you like this, but it was likely you would have been facing the other way, and he would have let you go after.

That was the difference because he didn't let you leave his grip, only tightening it when you tried to move back, and staring down at you to make sure you weren't actually uncomfortable instead of just embarrassed, though you were sure he could feel your heartbeat as well, which definitely didn't do you any favors.

Finally, the train stopped and his grip softened, you stepped away awkwardly, and felt him interlace your hands together as you had turned to walk off of the platform.

Your hands didn't separate the entire way home, you only focused on trying to steady your breath and tried to look at different things on the way home.

Once your home came into view, your heart betrayed you and began speeding up even more, practically getting ready to leap out of your chest.

He opened the door and swung it open, allowing you to walk in, it had only been a few days but you had missed the familiar consistent scent of flowers in your home, as shoto usually kept them here while he worked up the nerve to go visit his mother.

Awkwardness and tension rapidly filled the silence of the house, only breaking by your own scream when Shoto pressed a cold hand on your forehead.

"I want to know what the hell has been going on with you," he said impatiently, crossing his arms.

A vein popped on your head, "This whole situation has NOT only been on me and you know that."

"Maybe so. The blame game has no point though, so you start with your point of view, and ill fill in the blanks okay?" He asked, placing his hands on your shoulders tightly.

Words got caught in the form of a lump in your throat as you tried to speak but choked up, "I just, we've been friends for so long, we've fought, gotten angry at each other-"

"I was never angry at you"

"you've never ignored me. ever." you finished.

Shoto tightened his grip and his dumbfounded expression morphed into an almost immediate understanding.

"God, sho, I thought- I thought you'd lost interest and gone with her," you revealed.

"Hold that's what you meant by thought I was courting yayorozu, right?" he guessed, and you nodded.

"I was so hurt by the thought of it that I just didn't want to hear it, so I stayed with bakugo who's actually a really nice friend and is probably blowing up my phone making sure that you didn't just break my heart, but I'm so scared that you don't have feelings for me anymore Sho and feeling this fear just makes me realize-"

"that you love me?" he finished.

Your face fell into your hands and a sob escaped from your throat, your legs finally gave out and you fell down to the floor, being caught at the last second.

Shoto wrapped his arms around you as he would never let go, "I've loved you my entire life, that's not going to change for anyone, y/n."

he pulled away to cup your face in his hands, "I love you, y/n l/n"

You wiped your face of the stray tears that fell, "I love you too Shoto"

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