Chapter 20 - Aren't you, Sparky?

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After pulling out your wallet and paying, you followed Katsuki to a small corner table in the back of the cafe and sat down.

"Nice place...I didn't think you'd know any places like this" you said absent-mindedly

Katsuki glared at you, "I like this place, I come here whenever I can but it's stupidly fucking expensive. Where did you think I would take you?"

"I dunno, a seven-eleven to get a cookie or something" you admitted.

He snarled but was interrupted by a waiter setting down your order, and eyeing you slightly, which caused him to spill the coffee on the table.

"Damn extra! Stop staring at the girl and learn to do your job!" Katuski yelled, grabbing your wrist and pulling you up to let him stand in front of you.

The waiter cleaned the spill and then ran to the back to get a new one, which he set down on the table without looking at either of you, and Katuski growled lowly.

"Oddly protective of me aren't you,  sparky?" You teased.

"Shut the hell up! I only like- Tolerate you because you don't look down on me...and are slightly close to my level..That's it you damn idiot" He yelled.

You put your hands up in defeat, "I'll take it I'll take it, don't bite my head off please"

The noise from the crowded cafe was the only thing you could hear as you ate, it was silent between you too, but it was a nice comfortable silence.

Something about Katsuki amused you while also piquing your interest, but there was something about him, something that you couldn't quite place, and it stayed in your head until you had walked out of the cafe.

"Okay, that was good and all, but we should probably have dinner" He admitted

Nodding in agreeance, you asked, "what are you feeling?"

He shrugged, making you roll your eyes, "well, if you want I can just order something to your house"

"yeah fine, whatever," he agreed.

"Okay, just text me what you want and your address and it'll be there soon, I'm gonna go home" you sighed.

"You aren't coming?" he asked

"Do you want me too?" you asked back

"Do whatever you want, idiot" he growled, walking away.

You chuckled and followed after him before coming up to a large house in the middle of a neighborhood, he took out a key and began to unlock his door before pausing, "don't talk to the hag, she's probably gonna think I brought a girlfriend home"

You rolled your eyes and followed behind him into the house, he took off his shoes and dropped the bag by the floor and you mirrored his movements.

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