Chapter 44 - Hero Names

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The sun was high in the sky when you stepped out of your room, freshly showered and your mind running with thoughts from last night.

Arms wrapped around your waist and a familiar warm face settled on your neck, "I want you so badly" Shoto whispered.

A blush crept onto your face, "I know, but we shouldn't do anything too far, I'll control myself, I'm sorry sho,"

Shoto sighed, "don't apologize for wanting me, and don't be embarrassed either. There's always gonna be one of us level-headed enough to stop, and that's good enough for me, alright?"

You hummed in agreement, and Shoto kissed your neck gently before letting you go,

"I'm going to go take a shower,"

"Please do, I can smell the hormones from here" you laughed.


You had to return to school the next day, and people on the train seemed to recognize you and Shoto more than usual, congratulating you both on your performances at the sports festival.

While walking toward the school, your phone pinged with a notification that you took a second to check,

"Oh my god...Sho..."

His head turns to you in concern, and you cover your mouth while holding up the screen for him to read.

'Turbo Hero: Ingenium, attacked by 'hero killer', severely injured, the attacker still on the loose'

His eyes widen, and you look back at your phone, "God, Iida..."

When you looked up, you saw midoriya walking, and you quickly rushed over to him, "Midoriya-Kun! did you hear about Iida's bro-"

Your question stopped when you realized Iida was walking toward you three, his face looked serious.

"Iida-Kun, how are you doing?" you asked cautiously,

"Good morning, I am fine, my brother is going to be alright, let's hurry to class so we aren't late" he pressured, and you couldn't help but feel your chest tighten.

You sat in the classroom picking at your nails while everyone talked about the festival and what they did over break, when Aizawa walked in, no longer wearing his bandages, and everyone immediately sat down and said 'good morning'

As soon as he mentioned hero informatics, the whole class began to panic, even though you looked down at your desk mentally cursing.

"You need code names, it's time to pick out your hero identities" he muttered.

The whole class rejoiced and immediately began to get excited, only to get shut down the second his eyes began to glow red. He started to explain the hero draft and how any offers we received could be instantly rescinded, much to Mineta's distaste.

"So what you're saying is we'll still have to continue to prove ourselves even after we've gotten recruited?" Hagakure asked.

"Correct," Aizawa confirmed, "Now, here are the totals for those of you who got offers."

He clicked on a remote and a bar graph showed up, your name sat just over shoto's at 4,500.

"L/n, Todoroki, you guys must be proud" Yayorozu smiled,

"Those offers are probably because of our fathers" shoto dismissed, making you sit up and immediately smack him upside the head,

"Don't discredit my- I mean- OUR hard work!" you growled.

Aizawa went on to explain that everyone would be interning with pros, even those who hadn't gotten any offers, and a few breathed a sigh of relief.

"Even if you saw combat at USJ, it'll still be better to get close and personal experience in the field."

"And for that, we need hero names!" Sato said, and Uraraka agreed.

Midnight made her grand entrance, making Denki, Sero, and Mineta immediately sit up with interest.

"Midnight will have final say over your names," Aizawa announced, pulling out his sleeping bag, "The name you pick is important, it'll show what kind of hero you want to be and reinforce your identity, All Might is a good example."

Everyone began to pass back the white canvases, you stared at yours for a minute, trying to think of what exactly you could call yourself. Then a certain memory popped into your head of a certain angry Pomeranian, and you picked up your marker.


After a few minutes, Aoyama went up to present his name, and reached a compromise with midnight, much to the class's dismay.

one by one, everyone went up to present theirs, receiving either praise or dismissal, until you raised your hand to go next, Midnight called you up, and you stood in front of the podium nervously,

"I'm the Collective Hero: Armory!" you announced,

"Versatile, catchy, it's perfect!" Midnight exclaimed, and you walked back to your seat with your head held high.

The rest of the class continued and you were impressed with the creativity, you half expected Shoto's name, but Katsuki's made you start laughing loudly as he yelled at you asking what you found so funny.

After the fiasco, Aizawa started to explain things about the internships and you suddenly understood what Hawks meant when he said you would do a 'trial'. Aizawa dismissed you all for lunch, and you saw Shoto's eyes widen as he looked at his list, when you looked over at it and saw Endeavor's name, the realization hit you.

As everyone talked, you and shoto were outside the classroom, "Did you make your choice, sho?"

He looked confused, "Yes, I'll be going to my father's agency,"

you hummed, "I see, are you gonna be okay with him for a week?"

"Yes, I'll have you with me at least"

His eyes met yours, and mirrored the confused look in your eyes, "Are you not, coming with me?"

"Of course not! I can't stand that bastard, I'm sorry sho, you'll have to go on your own. I can't face him for that long." you sighed,

"I understand. have you made your choice yet, love?" he questioned

You looked down at your paper and hesitated, "Yeah...I'm going to Hawks' agency"

"Wait, what? why?"

You looked away, "I think it'll be a good opportunity, with any luck, he'll let me use his quirk"

Shoto seemed unsure about your answer but ignored it.

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