Chapter 23 - Such a princess!

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He pretended to ignore you as you walked, still fully intent on complaining about it, but when you looked at the orange sign on top of the train you realized something, and the walk to school seemed shorter than usual.

"You take the same line as me! I should start walking this way since it's so much shorter!" you said.

"Hell no! I don't wanna deal with your complaining every morning idiot, and I've got a bone to pick with that damn icy-hot" he growled as you both walked into a convenience store.

You looked over at him before beginning to laugh, "Come on angry pomeranian, I could have sworn we got along so well yesterday and threatening my fiancee, that's pretty bold~"

He scoffed and grabbed two egg sandwiches before tossing them onto the counter, you tried handing him money but he ignored it, so you sneakily stuffed it into his bag.

You continued to tease him as you walked and ate, before dramatically throwing your arms around his back to try and get a piggyback ride.

He didn't necessarily stop you, and eventually looped his hands with your legs but still grumbled about being treated like a mode of transportation, to which you replied that he would just have to deal with it.

Your head laid on his shoulder while looking ahead, and you spotted something in the distance, something that woke up your excitement.

"Pom! Kats! look at the yakisoba stall! let's go get some let's go!" you gasped, kicking your legs like a child

"No! stop moving or I'm gonna drop you! and we can't be late so forget it" he growled

Your head dropped back down onto his shoulder, "Such a stick in the mud, that's not fair.." you whined.

By the time you had both reached the school entrance, Katsuki was complaining even more and telling you to get off of him, but you were fully intent on annoying your new friend as much as possible, so you stayed on until you had reached the classroom, where you hopped off while the whole class stared.

"Thank you for the ride, Pom Pom!" you laughed while bowing.

"Y/n, why do you smell like a boys locker room?" Tsu asked bluntly from behind you.

Red entered your vision as you froze and grabbed your uniform shirt before sniffing it, and looking over at bakugo, pointing a finger accusingly, "I told you!" you yelled.

Looking back at Tsu you sighed heavily and shook your head, "That idiot's body wash scent won't go away, that shit is way too strong" you growled.

"You're such a princess! it's not even that strong!" he yelled back.

You were about to retaliate when the teacher walked in, which then you had to sit down and be quiet.

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