Chapter 27 - Promise?

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The final school bell barely managed to snap you out of your daze and you saw Katsuki walk up over to your desk slowly.

"The hag was asking if you wanted to come for dinner today, to get to know you and crap," he spoke quietly.

You smiled softly which only made his brow twitch in annoyance, "I made my promise today Kats, there's no turning back today"

He growled lowly, "just make sure he doesn't hurt you, you defend yourself and call me if anything okay?"

"I promise I will Katsuki, tell your mom I said hello and when I come over next time we can figure out how you're gonna ask out Kiri-" You were cut off.

"Shut! Shut up, you idiot! I'll call you later and you better answer or I'll come to break down your stupid door!" He spoke angrily but you could see that his ears were burning behind his hair.

"Thank you angry pom!" you teased

Katsuki grabbed you by the shirt collar and lifted you out of your chair, "Don't call me that dumbass!"

"Pom no! Not today!" you cried out, kicking your legs back and forth. He let you drop down and you landed on your feet before he spun around and stomped out of the classroom.

The amusement in your face settled, and you straightened out your uniform before picking up your bag and turning over to Shouto's desk. You crouched down and laid your chin onto the desk, trying to give the best puppy eyes you could.

"Let's go home now, yeah?" you asked quietly.

He breathed out in what you could only interpret as relief and nodded, his eyes focusing on yours.

A high-school hallway never seemed so quiet until then, the only sounds were those of your shoes stepping down the halls.

You stopped at the entrance and changed your shoes in silence, unsure if there were any words that should be spoken in such a public area.

Cars, trees, and other people in the city became your own little distraction from the tension between the man walking right next to you, you were almost sure he was doing the same, though you didn't dare look over at him.

Nothing could help your mind from wandering though, being so close and occasionally feeling your sleeve brush against his, silently begging to feel his hand in yours.

A small sigh of content escaped you as you gave into the thoughts of the simpler years, though sometimes it felt like your whole life together had been complicated, but even then, the times when you and Shouto would secretly sneak out to spend time together only to have a random police officer start to chase you seeing that you were both clearly junior high students.

Never in your life did you imagine you'd be running down a blacktop with your fiance in tow and a police officer running behind you telling you to stop, luckily there wasn't a police officer in the city with the same training you'd both had, so there wasn't much of a chance of getting caught.

You also thought back to soon after your second quirk manifested, your father never told you very much about your mother, but when the doctor told you that there was another quirk in your body your father immediately knew what it might be, so he asked Shouto and Endeavor down to the training gym, where you began to attempt to figure out how to activate this mysterious second quirk.

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