Chapter 7 - This Is Real

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You all filed out of the bus to the training facility, where Space Hero Thirteen greeted everyone and took you inside where the training facility was met with gasps and awe from you and your classmates, even Shoto had a small glimmer in his eye.

Thirteen explained the reasoning behind the creation of the facility, and you looked around in amazement.

"Clocks ticking, we should get started," Aizawa said seriously, and Thirteen began to explain the dangers of quirks that seemingly no one had thought of before, you bit your lip as you thought about the scythe you contained inside your body, and you felt a squeeze on your hand as you looked up and Shoto, who gave you a small reassuring smile, managed to calm you down. You sighed and focused back on Thirteen who finished the explanation and everyone cheered on.

Aizawa chimed in again, but he was cut off by the lights cutting and you noticed a purple-ish black hole appear behind him in the fountain, you thought it was part of the exercise until you saw the actual unnerve in your teacher's eyes, and Shoto held on to your wrist in caution.

The hole exploded into a shadow person, and a man with a decapitated hand on his face peaked out, Aizawa frantically told everyone to stay together and instructed Thirteen to protect us.

Your blood ran cold in your veins as you watched many villains begin to emerge from the shadow and your eyes widened, Shoto's grip tightened as he looked on with shock in his eyes.

"This is real, those are villains" he announced, shocking everyone.

You felt the danger become imminent as more and more people poured out of the portal, you pulled your wrist away from Shoto's grip and intertwined your hand with his instead.

While questions flew around, Shoto asked, tightening the grip on your hand "Is the entire campus under attack or just here? Either way, if the alarms aren't being triggered they must be using something to mask their presence. They chose an isolated facility, they're idiots, whatever their plan is, it doesn't involve taking over the campus"

Your face uncontrollably reddened as you saw how insanely badass your teacher suddenly looked, and you knew most of the girls were with you on that thought, and Shoto just stared down at you in jealousy.

"Woah, he looks so badass...and kinda hot too..." you whispered to yourself, also holding back a nosebleed, making Shoto scoff.

Following Thirteen, everyone began to retreat to the exit, but a dark purple shadow appeared in front of everyone, Shoto stood in front of you protectively.

"Pleasure to meet you, we are the league of villains," it said darkly, "We decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello, and besides, isn't this a fitting place for all might, the symbol of peace to take his last breath?" he asked

Everyone looked on in shock as he continued his tirade about how he was supposed to be here, and just as Thirteen was beginning to attack, Kirishima and Bakugo charged at him.

"You idiots!" you yelled, running forward but being stopped by Shoto who held you back.

Suddenly the thick purple smog encased you, and your classmates as he rambled about your impending deaths. Out of instinct, you grabbed Shoto and he held you against his chest.

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